UIT2201: Tutorial Set 7 (Fall 2016)
(Solution Sketch to Selected Problems)

Solution sketches are provided as guidelines only. Do not think of them as *model answers*. As you have noticed from our tutorial discussions, there can be many answers and approaches. So keep an open mind. (More importantly, DO NOT CIRCULATE these solution sketches.)

Comments on designing SQL Queries:

0. Start with the SELECT... FROM... WHERE... template.
1. First analyze what fields (columns) are needed (directly/indirectly) in the SELECT part.
2. Analyze which tables these fields are from. Put them in the FROM part.
3. Put in the join-conditions (as necessary) -- in the WHERE part.
4. Put in other conditions needed by the problem-statement.

T7-D1: (Simple SQL Query) --- SOLUTION SKETCH
Problem 6 on page 617 (Ch. 13) of [SG3].
   SELECT  ID, PlanType
   FROM    Employees, InsurancePolicies  
   WHERE  (Birthdate > #1/01/60#
          AND (ID = EmployeeID); 

Output of the Query:
ID PlanType
149 B2
149 A1
149 C2

Consider a database with 3 tables, STUDENT-INFO, COURSE-INFO, and ENROLMENT. Assume
    • the STUDENT-INFO table has 30,000 (3x104) rows,
    • the COURSE-INFO table has 1,000 (103) rows,
    • the ENROLMENT table has 100,000 (105) rows.

Student-ID Name NRIC-ID Address Tel-No Faculty Major








Course-ID Name Day Hour Venue Instructor







Student-ID Course-ID



T7-D2: (Efficient Query Processing) --- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) Answer: List Name, Faculty, Course-ID of all courses taken by student with Student-ID U2908888P.
    SELECT Name, Faculty, Course-ID
    FROM   SI, EN
    WHERE (Student-ID='U2908888P') and (SI.Student-ID = EN.Student-ID) 

(b,c)(i) List the Student-ID, Name, Tel-No of the all "CS" majors;
    SELECT SI.Student-ID, SI.Name, SI.Tel-No  
    FROM   SI
    WHERE (SI.Major="CS")
Analysis: 30,000 row operations.

(b,c)(ii) List the Student-ID, Name, Tel-No of the students enrolled in course "UIT2201";
    SELECT SI.Student-ID, SI.Name, SI.Tel-No  
    FROM   SI, EN
    WHERE (EN.Course-ID="UIT2201")
      AND (SI.S-ID = EN.S-ID) 
Analysis: Need a join of SI and EN. Needs 30,000 x 100,000 = 3x109 row operations.

(b,c)(iii) List the Student-ID, Name, Tel-No of students taught by instructor "LeongHW".
    SELECT SI.Student-ID, SI.Name, SI.Tel-No
    FROM   SI, CI, EN 
    WHERE (CI.Instructor="LeongHW")
      AND (SI.S-ID = EN.S-ID)
      AND (CI.C-ID = EN.C-ID) 
Analysis: Needs two joins: Method-1: [S1: join SI and EN to get XX; then S2:join CI and XX]
S1: join needs 30000*100,000 = 3x109 row ops. Table XX has 100,000 rows)
S2: Join needs 1000*100,000 = 108 row ops
Total: 3.1x109 row ops;

UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (LeongHW, 2016) [Prints well with A4-page-offsets l=r=b=0.5", t=0.7"]