============================================================== UIT2201 (Fall 2016): Class Project Presentation Showcase MON, 14-Nov-2016, Session 1 (09:00am -- 12:30pm) @@USP-SR3 (USP-Level-2) Peer Grading Form YOUR NAME, YOUR TEAM: ________________________________ IMPORTANT: Each team attends only the session they are in. (8 projects) But, MUST stay through that entire session (3 hrs) Each person grade 7 other projects (14 people) using this form. Please apply consistently standard for all the 7 projects you grade. You do not grade your own project. Give a score (0-10) for Presentation, Demo, Effort, Achievement. You should aim for the following rough standard: (0-10) 8 points for very good 6 points for average 4 for below average 09:00--09:20am WELCOME and BRIEFING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09:20--09:40am (Presentation #1) T01: Esther and Chang-Ming G1G1 Purge: Bacteria Hunger Games Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09:40--10:00pm (Presentation #2) T02: Carina and Desiree G1G1 Embark: Saving a Dying Tree of Life Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:00--10:20pm (Presentation #3) T03: Bynes and Ye-Min G1G1 MergeSort with Scratch Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:20--10:40am (Presentation #4) T04: Jonathan Lim and Cher Tian G1G1 Zikamon Go Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:40--11:00pm (Presentation #5) T05: Eunice and Geraldine G1G1 A Charles Dickens' Cluedo Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:00--11:20pm (Presentation #6) T06: Jonathan Koh and Zachary G1G1 The Fall of Singapore Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:20--11:40pm (Presentation #7) T07: Samara and Jessica G1G1 Room Assignment in Cinnamon Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:40--12:00pm (Presentation #8) T08: Hao Jing and XiaoNan G1G1 Saving Dat Boi - A Scratch Game Presentation: Demo: Effort: Achievement: TOTAL: ______ / 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:00--12:30pm FEEDBACK, ROUND UP;