USST01: Computer Science and Information Technology Revolution
Univ Scholars Programme, NUS

Course Announcements and Updates (Spring 2002)

This page contains important announcements about the course.
It be continuously updated. Make sure you check out this page OFTEN.

  • EXAM for USST01 --> Tues 23 April, 8:30AM, @MPSH2

  • 22-Apr-2002
    • I will be in the office TODAY from 1:30pm to 5:30pm; -- for consultation and to return assignments.
    • I am done with Prac-3 (Simulated Customers)

    • Something else about the exam;
      Question: Will exam cover areas from those additional notes given in the course web-site, but not covered in the lectures?
      Answer: NO!

  • 18-Apr-2002

  • 15-Apr-2002

  • 05-Apr-2002

  • March-2002

  • 15-Feb-2002

  • 1-Feb-2002
    The textbooks have arrived in the Science/Computing/Medicine COOP, near LT27. The prices of the books are as follows:

  • 31-Jan-2002 and 01-Feb-2002
    Special remedial class on Algorithms, esp for C=A+B and C=A-B. (Attended by 2+8)

  • 23-Jan-2002
    Tut 1 is NOW ready for printing. (Check the "Homework" page and print it for Friday.)

  • 20-Jan-2002
    Read the comments on Practical Assignment 1. (Check the "Homework" page.)

  • 17-Jan-2002
    Lecture Notes are now online...

  • 15-Jan-2002
    Tutorial Set 0 deadline postponed to Wed 5pm. Submit hard copy to my office S16 05-05.
    (It is optional for you to send me an email soft copy.)

  • 07-Jan-2002 Web page is being set-up

  • USST01 Announcement Page