============================== Quiz 2 (Apr 2003) Fun Question ============================== Here's what you told me about the topic in the course that you dislike the most. Thanks for your input -- all of you have 1 free Quiz point. I will make some adjustments to the course schedule based on these feedback. Algorithms (7) ----------------------------- * recursive algorithms * algorithm * recursion * on algorithms (eg: the turing machine) it is somewhat too theoretical * order of magnitudes! Never like complexity * algorithms --> too tedious * algorithms! Theory (6) ----------------------------- * theory, too theoretical * theory * theory. I can't for the life of me make sense of the proof for the halting program being unsolvable. ;-b * computation theory, simulation and abstraction (that's three topics!) * theory: the theory-heavy, highly abstract content is boring * theory Modelling (4+1) ----------------------------- * Modelling * simulation * simulation (restaurant, car race, etc) * simulation Database (3) ----------------------------- * database * database --> tedious and confusing! * database because it is difficult to tell which method/operation is the most efficient and justifying involves a lot of calculations and based on many assumptions. Virtual Machines (2) ----------------------------- * virtual machines * virtual machines Hardware (2) ----------------------------- * all topics are interesting, but if a choice is to be made it would be hardware * boolean logic (hardware) Abstraction/Specification (1+1) ----------------------------- * abstraction/specification, because do not really understand AI (1) ----------------------------- * it is AI because it is quite complicated to understand Network (1) ----------------------------- * Networking, especially the areas on network bandwidth Computer & Society (1) ----------------------------- * computer and society Miscellaneous (4) ----------------------------- * Such topic does not exist * None. All the topcs are pretty interesting. * Sorry I did not understand the rationale, but my initial thoughts of the term paper were 20-25 pages! 20% only! Well, guess I'll understand by the time I complete the module. Thanks.... :-) * The bulk of the work was only assigned towards the end of the semester, albeit unavoidably; but could be improved so studetns have more time. ======================================================================