Functionalities of IDEA and
Assignments to FeatureImplementation Teams
The functionalities of IDEA has been put together between Prof Leong
and the various SDA teams. This is already out in the IDEA Developer's
Forum and it is repeated here for your reference.
(Please go to the Forum for updates.)
Please also see the posting by LiJia (SDA1) on the Forum on how the
protocol works. (I have described this to you in the past -- but now
the actual details are out.)
Team Formation, Function Assignment
For the feature implementation teams, I have divided up everyone into
teams, and assigned groups of related functions to each team as given below.
The team leaders should take the lead to look at the development
involved and divide things up. Please email me if you need a discussion.
- F1 Team 1:
Kenneth Boh (Lead) and Daniel Tay
Functionalities: 14-16 (Messages), 18-19 (Updates functions)
FI Team 1 email list
- F2-Team 2:
Koh Tong Choon (Lead), Hoang Dong Nghi and Mohd Ferhad
Functionalities: 1-3 (Schedule), 4,13 (Login)
FI-Team 2 email list
- F2-Team 3:
Sun Yin (Lead) and Man ShuJing
Functionalities: 5-9 (Security)
FI-Team 3 email list
- F2-Team 4:
Raghuraman (Lead) and Tan Keat Houng
Functionalities: 10-12,17 ("Automated Smart Functions")
FI-Team 4 email list
- All the FI-Teams:
Kenneth Boh, Hoang Dong Nghi, Koh Tong Choon, Man ShuJing,
Mohd Ferhad, Raghuraman, Sun Yin, Tan Keat Houng and Daniel Tay
All FI-Teams email list
Email lists of all other SDA Teams:
For the convenience of everyone, I have
prepared the mailing list of the various teams.
- SDA1 Team: Overall Design and Controller
Benjamin Ching and Li Jia
SDA1 mail list
- SDA2: GUI Design and Implementation
Low Hong Ee (Lead), Teah Huan Ying,
Tay JunYun, Saw Yvonne
SDA2 mail list
- SDA3: Database Design and Implementation
Daniel Lim and Heng Wei Chu
SDA3 mail list
UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2003); A/P Leong HW