Feature List for IDEA-v2 (Version 2): ===================================== (Draft by LeongHW, with input from many others) Date: 11-Oct-2003 (*** TO BE MODIFIED FOR SPRING 2005 semester***) Please use this one (for Fall-2003) as a reference, for now. A. ENHANCING LOOK AND FEEL and INTERFACE ========================================= Additional I/O devices: ----------------------- Camera (for people-detection) Speaker (for audio/voice output) microphone (for audio/voice input) Possible UI Improvement: ------------------------ can show outline view of the room; this can be used for showcasing door-colour, light dimming, etc; B. ENHANCING EXISTING FEATURES ============================== Login: ------ add in other users to the systems * {visitors, strangers, ...} are useful; what others? can we add in password check; Friendly page for users; Deny access to strangers; timeout mechanism after repeated unsuccessful tries; Welcome Messages: ----------------- Different greetings should be chosen * randomly generated, or using personal preference, or AI * include special messages, if any; Messaging: ---------- include message category (general, urgent, personal); allow deletion of message; allow different sorting of the messages; -- eg: by date, by sender, by category allow a search function; aloow sending to multiple users; Schedule: --------- include schedule type/category eg: personal schedule, "family-wide schedule"; "group" schedule allow view by day, by week, by month perhaps button for next and previous day/week/month; have form for inserting new schedule items; allow deletion of schedule item; deleting/archiving "expired" schedule items; Lights On/Off: -------------- improving this feature; - what can be seen, not seen; - quick link to turn light back on; allow "dimming" of lights; automatic lights-off if nobody's home (see Section C??) Jokes: ------ add more good jokes; add form to insert new jokes; add joke category; displaying "new" jokes (not one told "recently") personalizing the joke display; adding buttons to generate more jokes; recently told jokes; Weather Content to be added seamlessly; --------------------------------------- weather info should be part of the page; (not the full page) allow checking of weather in other places; allow user to specify preferred places; C. NEW FEATURES TO BE ADDED IN =============================== Show who is in the House: ------------------------- who is currently in the house; allow viewing of an entry/exit log file; Customized Services: -------------------- special birthday greetings; special holiday greetings; special reminders Clock Function: --------------- show the clock; Self Diagnostic Feature: ------------------------ feature to check the various sub-systems / components of IDEA Personalization: ---------------- default action on Entry default action on Exit default joke category default door colour preference on Schedule preference on messages remember what jokes have been told "recently" ------------------------ (end of document)