UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Project (Spring 2006)

(Due: Tue, 11 April 2006, 11:59am)

Project for UIT2201

For this semester, the project takes the form of a term paper on a topic in CS/IT of current interest. I have provided a list of possible topics for you to explore.

First Task: Plan your Term Paper

Your task is to choose a topic and then within the topic choose one or two theme on which to develop the term paper. You should write a short quick "one paragraph statement" on your chosen topic and the theme you wish to develop within that topic. This is to be due by Thursday (16-March).

  • Your Choices are out: look here.

    The Term Paper: (Due: 11-April 11:59am)

    You should use the web, the library and other sources to make a careful study of your topic and organize your material. Write a report of about 20-25 pages (fontsize 12, 1.5 spacing) on your selected topic.


    You should submit the report in both (a) hardcopy to my office AND (b) softcopy via submission to IVLE Workbin (Proj Report folder).

    Possible Topics for Term Paper

      1. Intelligent Devices:
            they are everywhere and anywhere;
      2. Limits of Computation:
            isn't faster computers sufficient?
      3. Artificial Intelligence: 
            Are we there yet?
      4. Software Development Methodologies:
            from Structured Programming to Waterfall model
            to rapid prototyping to extreme programming
      5. Computing in the Future
            what will the future of CS & IT be like?
      6. Online Gaming, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Multimedia:
            where do we (Singapore) stand?
      7. Cyber Security: IT 
      8. Web Blogging:
            the phenomena and what it means
      9. Small World 
     10. Things made obselete by IT/internet
     11. High Speed Networks:
            what's the buzz all about?
     12. Computing for Schools?
            what is appropriate for schools (primary, secondary, JC)
     13. Is Computing for everyone?
            should it just be IT literacy?
     14. Topic of YOUR choice.

    UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2006); A/P Leong HW