UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Project (Spring 2007)

(Due: Thu, 12 April 2007, 11:59am)

Project for UIT2201

For this semester, the project takes the form of a term paper on a topic in CS/IT of current interest. I have provided a list of 4 possible topics for you to explore. The project can be done by a team of 2 students (one group will have 3).
I expect each team to meet face-to-face at least three times to work on the term paper. Some portion of the marks will be assigned to the teamwork aspect of this project.
Team formation: I have created the following teams:
{Wanqi,Kanchana}, {TianJian,RuHan}, {Karen,ChenYe},{Agyesh,Nagoor} {Murali,ZhaoXuan},{Tanya,Sandra,GuanZheng}.

First Task: Form group and Choose your Topic
Each team should first choose a topic for your term paper.
Then, write a short "one paragraph statement" on your topic and what you wish to write about that topic.

This is to be due by Thur (15-March) -- submit to IVLE Workbin (Project Proposal Report folder).

The Term Paper: (Due: 12-April 11:59am)

You should use the web, the library and other sources to make a careful study of your topic and organize your material. Write a report of about 12-15 pages (fontsize 12, 1.5 spacing) on your selected topic.


You should submit the report in both (a) hardcopy to my office AND (b) softcopy via submission to IVLE Workbin (Final Proj Report folder).

Possible Topics for Term Paper

  1. Data Mining:
        what is it and some interesting applications

  2. Intelligent Devices:
        they are everywhere and anywhere;

  3. Computing Disciplines and Majors: (CS, CE, IT, IS, SE...)
        where are they and how they differ

  4. Women in Computing:
        what is current state of affairs and how to improve on it;

UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2007); A/P Leong HW