UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Project (Spring 2008)

(Milestone 1: Tue, 19 Feb 2008, 11:59am)
(Milestone 2: Week of 17 Mar 2008)
(Milestone 3: Tue, 08 Sunday, 13 April 2008, 23:59pm)

Latest: Project milestone extended to Sunday (13-Apr) and details of the deliverables are given below.

Project for UIT2201

For this semester, the project for UIT2201 (15% of the course) will be one of the following:
  1. Creating social interactions in Alice "world"; (2 teams; each 2-3 members)
      ++ Zhao Ke, Lian WeiXiong, Ye Dan [Alice-UIT2201]
      ++ Chin Su Yuen, Jin Rui, Gao Ting [Alice-Adventure]

  2. Creating cool Google Map meshup and Google Gadgets; (2 teams; each 2 members)
      ++ Wong Bi Ying, Ang Lip Chong [Google-Map-Mashup]
      ++ Hoang Phuc Hung, Wang Ying, Chan Tian How [Google Gadgets]

  3. An Intelligent Gadget -- Emulating an intelligent gadget (1 team; 3 members)

  4. Chat Bots -- How far have they gone? (1 team, 2 members)
      ++ Hosea Nga, Lee Pooi Yean [ChatBots]

  5. Logo, Kara, LegoRobotics, Alice -- How effective are they? (1 team, 2 members)

  6. The Turing Test -- What is the State of the Art? (1 team, 2 members)

  7. Origami and Algorithms -- How they are related. (1 team, 3 members)
      ++ Michelle Tan, Genevieve Chan, Tan Wen Qi [M1 done]

  8. Multidisciplinary Review of AI (self-proposed project)
      ++ Set Ying Ting, Teo Yao Long []

  9. Your own proposal

Some Personal Remarks on the Projects

The first two projects ((a)-- (b)) involves some coding, but not the usual programming that you find in typical introductory programming courses, such as CS1101C/S/X/Y/Z. Instead, they will involve really fun, new programming paradigms. Students in Engineering/Computing should be doing these projects. If you wish to do otherwise, please check with the instructor.

The next three projects ((d) and (f)) looks at three different topics that have been around for a while, but with new software tools that are making things interesting (again). And they spur new discussion on these old topics.

The origami project (g) is now a pet project of mine -- to try to bring new excitement to an old HW problem, and, hopefully, a new attitude towards both Origami and Algorithms. Although the members of the project group will work out the main parts of the project, we hope that everyone in the class will contribute with "executing" the algorithms to output more origami pieces.

Finally, if you have other interesting project ideas that will fit with the aims of this module, please make a proposal to the instructor.

I expect each team to meet face-to-face at least three times to work on the term paper. Some portion of the marks will be assigned to the teamwork aspect of this project.

Project Details and Milestones

Details on your projects can be found here. You should also search the web to find relevant information on each of the projects listed above. (There's plenty of online resources for each.)

Milestone 1: Choose Topic, Form group [Deadline: 19-Feb-2008]

You should form groups and choose topic (or choose topic and form group).
Then, write a short "one paragraph statement" on your chosen topic and a rough plan of action on how you will do the project.

This is to be due by Tue (19-Feb-2008) -- submit to IVLE Workbin (Project Proposal Report folder).

Milestone 2: Interim Project Review [Week of 17-Mar-2008]

There will be a mid-project review of each project group that will take place on the week of 17-March-2008.

Milestone 3: Final Project Submission [Deadline: Tue, 08 Sunday, 13 April 2008, 23:59pm)

Project Deliverables: Your final project deliverables are as follows:

Submssion of Project Deliverables:
If you have a ProjectCD, please label it accordingly and turn it in to me on Monday, 14-April-2008. I highly recommend that you also make a ProjectCD for yourself, for keepsake.

Please submit your final project report to both


UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2008); A/P Leong HW