UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Project (Spring 2009)

(Milestone 1: Wed, 11 Mar 2009, 23:59am)
(Milestone 2: Week of 23 Mar 2009, by appt)
(Milestone 3: Wed, 08 15 April 2009, 23:59pm)

Project for UIT2201

For this semester, the project for UIT2201 (15% of the course) will be one of the following:
  1. Creating Cool social interactions in Alice "world"; (2 teams; up to 2 members each)

  2. Creating Cool Google Map meshup and Google Gadgets; (2 teams; up to 2 members each)

  3. Creating Cool story board in Squeak "world"; (2 team; up to 2 members each)

  4. Building Applications with Kara or Logo (2 teams, up to 2 members each)

  5. Using Chat Bots in Some Cool Application (2 team, up to 2 members)

  6. Your own proposal

Some Personal Remarks on the Projects

All the projects involve working with innovative software frameworks and fun programming paradigms designed to make it easy to create applications quickly and without a lot of pain.

Most of them (Alice, Squeak, Kara) do not involve actually writing software code since the software has been pre-programmed and allows users to just build applications using point-and-drag. What is more important is the design and the thinking process involved in building up your cool applications or story-board.

Google Maps and Google Gadgets involves some understanding of web-pages and html and related stuffs. So people who have basic understanding of html and some simple coding can do this. There is a very rich set of Google Map APIs that can be used to make cool meshups.

Chat bot applications may involve installation and learning the mechanics of adding learning rules to the chat bots. Some programming may be required (depending on the chat bot you choose to use).

Of course, if you have other interesting project ideas that will fit with the aims of this module, please make a proposal to the instructor.

Each project team should work on a simple initial project plan that should include such things as meeting schedule, division of labour, project risks and how to overcome them. (I expect each team to meet face-to-face at least three times to work on the project.) Some portion of the marks will be assigned to the teamwork aspect of this project.

Project Details and Milestones

Details on your projects can be found here. You should also search the web to find relevant information on each of the projects listed above. (There's plenty of online resources for each.)

Milestone 1: Choose Topic, Form group [Deadline: 11-March-2009]

You should form groups and choose topic (or choose topic and form group).
Then, write a short "one paragraph statement" (at most 1 page) on your chosen topic and a rough plan of action on how you will do the project.

This is to be due by Wed (11-Mar-2009, 23:59) -- submit to IVLE Workbin (Project Proposal Report folder).

Milestone 2: Interim Project Review [Week of 23-Mar-2009, by appt]

There will be a mid-project review of each project group on the week of 23-March-2009.
(Email will be sent to set up appt for this short review.)

Milestone 3: Final Project Submission [Deadline: Wed, 15 April 2009, 23:59pm)

Final Project Deliverables: Your final project deliverables are as follows:

Submssion of Project Deliverables:

Your ProjectCD should be properly labelled with the following info: "UIT2201 Spring 2009 Project", Your-Application-Name, names of the team members, contact info (if appropriate).
Please submit your ProjectCD to me on Friday, 17-April-2009.

(I highly recommend that you also make a ProjectCD for yourself, for keepsake.)

Please submit your final project report to both


UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2009); A/P Leong HW