Background Information Sheet (Spring 2010)
UIT2201: Computer Science and the IT Revolution

Background Information Sheet
(to be returned before 16-Jan-2010, or asap after that.)

I am collecting information on your background, your major, your prior exposure to IT, and your own objectives in taking the course. I will use the info only to help me steer the direction of the course. Your input will be helpful in letting me set the pace of the course.
(Note: These information will be kept confidential.)

Major:____________________ Year-of-Study:___________________
NUS-email:______________________ Your Facebook ID: ________________________

Things I hope to achieve by taking this course:
(Rank the top 3 reasons starting from 1,2,3...)
      _____ I need it for my USP quota         _____ I need an "easy" course this semester
      _____ I want to learn programming         _____ I aim to be an IT whiz-kid
  _____ To learn about the IT Revolution         _____ I want to start a revolution
  _____ Others (please state)

My Prior Exposure to IT / Computer Science
(Please tick any that applies to you.)
  • _____ Is a computer whiz-kid
  • _____ Is a computer science major/minor
  • _____ Has done some programming before
  • _____ Is computer literate (knows Office, email, etc)
  • _____ Does surfing, FB, gaming, but not much else
  • _____ What is a computer? Computer Illiterate
  • _____ Others. (Please state) ________________________________________

  • My Programming Experience
    (List the languages (php,Alice,javascript,Basic,VB,Pascal,C,C++,Java,C#,etc) and level of competence (Novice/Competent/Expert). Eg: Pascal--Expert
  • ______________________       ______________________       ____________________
  • ______________________       ______________________       ____________________

  • Any other Comments for Instructor:
    (Please feel free to add any relevant comments here. Use reverse page, if necessary.)