T3-PP1: Problem 1 (page 45) of [SG]; (in more verbose pseudo-code) (in concise pseudo-code) read in the values of x, y, z; read (x, y, z); assign the value of (x + y + z)/3 to average; average <-- (x + y + z)/3; print out the value of average; print average; T3-PP1: Problem 2 (page 45) of [SG]; (in more verbose pseudo-code) (in concise pseudo-code) Assign the value 3.1415926 to PI; PI <-- 3.1415926; read in the value of radius r; read (r); (* read in radius *) print the value of 2*PI*r and PI*r*r; print 2*PI*r, PI*r*r; T3-PP1: Problem 3 (page 45) of [SG]; (in more verbose pseudo-code) (in concise pseudo-code) read in AmtUsed; (* in kWh *) read (AmtUsed); (* un kWh *) read in Rate; (* cost per kWh *) read (Rate); (* cost per kWh *) Let Cost be AmtUsed * Rate * 1.07; Cost <-- AmtUsed * Rate * 1.07; print Cost print Cost
T3-D1: [Array-Sum] --- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes. Output will be 0. Program will execute, will bypass the loop altogether.
(c) Add if statement and add A[k] only if (A[k] < 0).
(d) Use variable COUNT (initialize to 0), increment COUNT if (A[k] < 0).
(e) "Sum_SF <-- SumSF + A[k]" changed to "Sum_SF <-- SumSF + A[k]*A[k]"
T3-D3: [Multiplication-by-Repeated-Addition] --- SOLUTION SKETCH
Algorithm Product(a,b); (* Computes a*b, via repeated addition *) begin if (a < b) then swap(a,b); SumSF <-- 0; Count <-- 1; while (Count <= b) do SumSF <-- SumSF + a; Count <-- Count + 1; endwhile Answer <-- SumSF; end; |
T3-Q1: (10 points) [Exponentiation-by-Repeated-Multiplication]
(a) One way to do exponentiation is by repeated multiplication.
For example, 85 = 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8.
Write a simple Scratch program that reads in
two positive numbers a and b and
computes ab using this technique.
(b) Now, give the pseudo-code for your algorithm for computing
ab, for two positive numbers a and b using this technique.
T3-Q2: (10 points) [Getting the Grade] --- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) Write a Scratch program that will read in a mark (an integer)
that a student gets for UIT2201, and outputs both the mark and
the grade.
Assume, for simplicity only,
that the letter grades are A, B, C, D, F and that the
cutoffs for are 80, 70, 60, 50.
Namely, A is 80-100, B is 70-79, C is 60-69, D is 50-59 and F is 0-49.
(b) Now, extend your Scratch program to process a list of marks
entered by the user, instead of just one mark.
The user will enter a "-1" to indicate that there are no more marks left.
T3-Q3: (10 points) [Cat going in a spiral]
See your Scratch programs in the Workbin.
T3-Q4: (10 points) [Other algorithmic frameworks] -- YOUR SOLUTIONS
What you all came up with: (some more appropriate than others) Playing song on a guitar, playing a piece of music on a piano; Driving directions (from A to B), Driving directions via Google Maps, Direction from A to B, Alice riding a bicycle from A to B; Search a particular book in NUS Library, Procedure to Find a Lost Item; Building a Lego Model kit, How to use a fire extinguisher during an emergency, Game tutorial/walkthrough; Singapore Education System (going from kindergarten to university); Spring cleaning of your home; Watercolour painting; Jogging, Sort colored cards into piles of same color (?);