CS4221 Course Project
Proposals due (1 page, softcopy) 5 Feb 2015 (Thurs) (Week 4)
Project submissions (report & ppt) due 26 Mar 2015 (Thurs) (Week 10)
Presentations and Demos if any April 2, 9, 16 (Thurs Weeks 11, 12, and 13)
Late Penalty for all submissions 3 marks a day
This is a team project with 4 students in a team.
Each project team needs to submit a short proposal (softcopy) which includes
the following information by 5 Feb 2015 (Thurs of Week 4) to dcsltw@nus.edu.sg
for approval:
A project title.
Project team members' names and matriculation numbers.
Type of the project, i.e. implementation, survey and comparison,
or preliminary research study.
An abstract which briefly describes the project with some references if any.
You can pick one of the three types of projects as your course project:
The end result of an implementation project should be a self contained
system/component that should be thoroughly tested and can be of real-use.
You're welcome to work on systems of your own interests with the consent
of the lecturer.
You are required to implement and evaluate known algorithms.
For example, you can implement a CASE tool for database schema design.
The deliverables: a 15 page report (double spacing and 12 point font,
hardcopy) + code (in CD-ROM) + PowerPoint presentation slides
(softcopy) + a 20 minute presentation and demo.
Survey and Comparison.
You can also perform an EXTENSIVE survey by reviewing
existing work on a topic. You are expected to be critical
in your analysis, rather than reiterating what the papers
have presented.
You should only choose this type of projects if you are quite familiar with
the subfield you wish to survey; otherwise, you're advised not to do it.
A survey should follow the style in ACM Computing Surveys. Extensiveness,
comprehensibility, technical worthiness are major considerations. The survey
should be in such a shape that can lead to a tutorial material or a journal
The deliverables: a 15 to 20 page report (double spacing and 12 point font,
hardcopy) + PowerPoint presentation slides (softcopy)
+ a 20 minute presentation.
Preliminary Research Study.
You can also choose to work on a research topic. Here, you are expected
to be original in your ideas (variations/enhancements of existing
methods are acceptable). Due to time constraint, you need not perform
an extensive study, but a preliminary study (analytical, simulation or
experimental) is necessary. You should discuss with the lecturer about
the novelty and significance of your ideas or methods.
The deliverables: a 15 page report (double spacing and 12 point font,
hardcopy) + code (if any, in CD-ROM) + PowerPoint
presentation slides (softcopy) + a 20 minute presentation.
Note: Project submission (report & ppt file) due on
26 Mar 2015 (Thurs of Week 10). All project presentation slide files will be
posted on the course website by 31 Mar 2015 (Tue).
Please send soft copies of your project report and presentation slides, etc.
to dcsltw@nus.edu.sg. For implementation projects, please send the code (in CD-ROM) to Ling Tok Wang (room COM2 03-01).
Please also include your project number in your email Subject, your project report, and ppt file.
Finding a Project Topic
There are many topics that you may choose, such as CASE tool implementation,
schema translation between different data models, semantics discovery in
databases, data/schema integration, view updates, XML query processing,
keyword search in relational databases and XML databases, etc. A list of
suggested topics is shown below, but this is not an exhaustive list.
Relational database schema design CASE tool (e.g. implement Bernstein's
Algorithm with some enhancements, e.g. LTK Algorithm)
ER Diagram CASE Tool for database schema design
Discover Semantics in Relational Databases
Translating Relational Database Schemas with database instances to ER Schema Diagrams
Converting relational databases with schemas into object relational databases
Data/schema integration on relational databases
Semantics-based data/schema integration on relational databases
Materialized view maintenance (e.g. Sze Eng Koon's papers)
View updates on relational databases
Comparison on commercial object-relational database systems
Keyword search methods in relational databases with and without ORM-semantics
(papers by Zeng Zhong, etc.).
Comparison on semistructured data models (e.g. DOM, OEM, DataGuide, ORA-SS,
Comparison on XML schema definition languages (e.g. DTD, XML Schema, ORA-SS,
Graphical query languages for relational databases and XML data (e.g. XML-GL
and GLASS from Ni Wei's papers, etc.
View generation on XML data (e.g. Chen Yabing's papers)
XML updates, dynamic XML data, XML view updates
Semantics discovery in data centric XML documents (i.e. to obtain ORS-SS like
Semantics-based XML database integration
Normalization theory for semistructured data
XML database design CASE tool
Translating relational databases and schemas into XML databases and schemas
Translating XML databases and schemas based using ORA-SS into relational
databases and schemas.
Implement a CASE tool for extracting semistructured schemas from XML documents.
The semistructured schema can be expressed by a schema summary, DTD, XML Schema,
or ORA-SS schema.
Comparison on the methods for storing and querying XML data in XML database
systems: XML-enabled database systems and native XML database systems
Survey on commercial XML systems (e.g. Oracle XML-SQL, IBM DB2 XML Extender,
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, etc.)
XML query processing (e.g. PathStack, Twig Pattern, Ordered Twig Pattern,
Twig Pattern with Negation, etc.) (e.g. Lu Jiaheng's and Yu Tian's papers)
Comparison on node labeling schemes for static/dynamic XML data (e.g. papers
by Li Changqing and Xu Liang, etc.)
Survey, implementation, or research on XML keyword search methods based on LCA, SLCA, or MLCA, etc. and with or without considering IDREFs (e.g. papers by
Chen Bo, Bao Zhifeng, and Wu Huayu, Zeng Yong, etc.)
- XML keyword search with ORA-semantics (e.g. papers by Thuy Ngoc).
Translating SQL integrity constraints into triggers
The Universal Relation as a User Interface (ref. Ullman Vol. 2 Chapter 17)
A realistic generic dataset generator
To choose a topic, you can consult the following publications:
ACM Transactions on Database Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE Computer
Data & Knowledge Engineering
Proceedings of the Very Large Data Bases Conference
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference
Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER)
DBLP Bibliography Server
ACM SIGMOD Anthology
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
OLAP Council
Object Database Management Systems Portal (ODBMS.ORG)
National University Digital Library
CS4221 webpage
Papers on Object-Relationship-Attribute Model for Semistructured Data (ORA-SS):