Lecturers: Ling Tok Wang
and Tan Kian Lee
To introduce the fundamental concepts and issues of managing large
volume of shared data in a parallel and distributed environment, and
to provide insight into related research problems.
Overview of IC5C1: Parallel & Distributed Database Systems
Pre-requisite: CS3223 (Database Management Systems) or Equivalent
Lectures: 26
Time: Friday 6:30pm-8:30pm
Venue: Seminar Room 1, S16, Level 3
Examination: April 26, 1999, pm
Tutorials: none
Home work: 2 Take-Home Assignments & 1 Term Project
Aims and Objectives:
Detailed Syllabus:
Distributed data processing; What is a DDBS; Advantages and disadvantages of
DDBS; Problem areas; Overview of database and computer network concepts
Transparencies in a distributed DBMS; Distributed DBMS architecture; Global
directory issues
Alternative design strategies; Distributed design issues; Fragmentation; Data
View management; Data security; Semantic Integrity Control
Objectives of query processing; Characterization of query processors;
Layers of query processing; Query decomposition; Localization of
distributed data
Factors governing query optimization; Centralized query optimization;
Ordering of fragment queries; Distributed query optimization
The transaction concept; Goals of transaction management;
Characteristics of transactions; Taxonomy of transaction models
Concurrency control in centralized database systems; Concurrency control in
DDBSs; Distributed concurrency control algorithms; Deadlock management
Reliability issues in DDBSs; Types of failures; Reliability
techniques; Commit protocols; Recovery protocols
Parallel architectures; parallel query processing and optimization;
load balancing
Mobile Databases, Distributed Object Management, Multi-databases
Tutorials/Programming Assignments/Projects:
At least 2 take-home assignments and 1 term project.
The purpose of the assignments is (i) to provide a
deeper understanding of the methods/techiques learned; (ii) to solve
practical problem using the acquired skills
Assignments & Projects: