2nd MADE Workshop

  • Date: Thursday, 14 September 2023
  • Time: 9:30 — 17:30
  • Venue: Seminar Room, Innovation 4.0 Building, NUS

Event Details

The objective of the second workshop is to conduct a deep dive into some of the critical issues highlighted in the first workshop: artificial intelligence and humans' role in emerging technologies.


The second workshop was featured on NUS News, Making waves: ChatGPT brims with potential for maritime industry, say speakers at NUS MAritime Digital Efficiency Workshop. Click the following links to find out more.

Event Schedule

Morning Session: Opening
We open the event by presenting different methodologies for analysing disruptions, followed by conclusions from the first workshop and an overview of the current research progress.

Time Programme Speaker
9:30 — 10:00 Registration and Networking Morning Tea
10:00 — 10:30 Keynote Speech
Understanding Disruptions Through Global Production Networks and Global Value Chains
Prof Henry Wai-chung Yeung
Distinguished Professor
Department of Geography and GPN@NUS Centre
National University of Singapore
10:30 — 11:00 Navigating the Storm: Maritime Supply Chain Transport Disruptions and Resilience Prof Photis Panayides
Professor of Shipping and Maritime Economics
Cyprus University of Technology
11:00 — 11:30 Maritime security and maritime disruptions Prof Justin Hastings
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, NUS
Professor of International Relations and Comparative Politics, University of Sydney
11:30 — 12:00 MADE Research Programme: An Overview Ms Syahirah
Centre for Maritime Studies

Afternoon Session: Presentations
The topic for the afternoon session is the role of ChatGPT, and large language and other media models in the maritime industry. Following up on the first workshop, which gave an overview and introduction to the subject, the second iteration conducts a deep dive into some of the critical issues highlighted in the first workshop: artificial intelligence and humans' role in emerging technologies. In line with current trends, we zoom into a specific disruptive technology — ChatGPT and large language or other media models. We present perspectives from different angles.

Time Programme Speaker
12:00 — 13:00 Networking Lunch
13:00 — 13:30 Futures Thinking and Scenario Planning Ms Cheryl Chung
Public Sector Futurist
13:30 — 14:00 GenerativeAI: Hype vs Reality Mr Laurence Liew
Director of AI Innovation
AI Singapore
14:00 — 14:30 The Potential of ChatGPT in Revolutionizing the Maritime Industry Mr Chakib Abi Saab
Chief Technology & Innovation Officer
Lloyd's Register
14:30 — 15:00 Navigating the Seas of Language Models Mr Chinmoy Ghose
Managing Director
METIS (Singapore)
15:00 — 15:30 Networking Afternoon Tea
15:30 — 16:00 LLM for Connecting Maritime Artificial Intelligence (AI) Modelling for Maritime Innovation Dr Zhang Xiaocai
A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing
16:00 — 16:30 Maritime risk assessment based on Large Language Model Dr Chen Tianyi
Research Fellow
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
National University of Singapore
16:30 — 17:30 Panel Discussion
Impact, Challenges, and Future of Large Language Models and Generative AI in the Maritime Industry
Dr Yao Chen (Moderator)
Research Assistant Professor
School of Computing
National University of Singapore

Dr Fu Xiuju
Maritime AI Research Programme Director
A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing

Mr Chakib Abi Saab
Chief Technology & Innovation Officer
Lloyd's Register

Mr Anshit Malik
Data Science Lead


Please email Syahirah at muya@nus.edu.sg for more information.