National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems
The National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems (NSoE-TSS) focuses on cutting edge research in software and system security. The center aims to build on
Singapore's combined strengths in the areas of analysis, testing, verification, hardening, isolation and system
design. Focus will be on developing certification capabilities, particularly for embedded software systems and
Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The NSoE-TSS has received significant funding from National Research
Foundation in January 2019 for a period of four years.
Singapore is one of the most digitally connected nations of the world, and is well poised to make a broad bold
move towards building full-fledged smart nation infrastructures. Singapore has acquired all the necessary
ingredients for building a smart nation including full digital penetration, connectivity, mobile infrastructures and
autonomous systems. This has been achieved through research, innovation, enterprise, and planning. Against this
backdrop, there exist two principal challenges today, namely standardization of different public and private
services for common tasks, and increased adoption of integrated smart systems.
The NSoE-TSS aims to enhance Singapore's national capabilities in trustworthy smart system infrastructures.
We seek to build on our combined strengths in software security, and smart systems to build an array of point
technologies, leading to certification capabilities of embedded software systems. The certification can take on a
range of flavors including functionality certification, checking against crashes and vulnerabilities, measuring and
certifying resilience against malicious inputs and environments, as well as checking and certifying for absence
of information leakage via extra-functional mechanisms such as side channels.
Article on Cybersecurity Ecosystem
Singapore's Cybersecurity Ecosystem ( PDF )
Karen Teh, Vivy Suhendra, Soon Chia Lim, Abhik Roychoudhury
Communications of the ACM (CACM), 63(4), April 2020