CS6203 August - November 2007
CS6203 -- Advanced Topics in Database Management Systems
P2P and Community Based Databases
Course Objectives
Important Notes
Course Structure
Reference Books and Materials
- Lecturer:
Ooi Beng Chin (Email: ooibc, Tel: 6465, Office: COM1, 03-46)
- Lecture time: Thursday 2pm-4pm. First Lecture: 16th August
- Location: COM1, SR2
- Exam:
- Consultation hours:
Anytime I am in or by appointment
- Paper presentation/report ------------------------------ 40%
- Programming project ------------------------------------ 30%
- Final exam (OPEN BOOK) --------------------------------- 30%
Course and Objectives
The course is at the graduate level and most topics are on-going research
work. It is a seminar course and active class-room participation is
Each student is required to read and present research papers,
and program a component (in JAVA) or an application
on top of BestPeer P2P system.
The course is designed to encourage everyone to actively learn advanced
concepts, to independently think over research and development issues,
to pro-actively relate what we learn to the real problems in practice,
to stimulate and brain-storm new ideas, to intelligently solve pressing
problems in various phases of P2P and community based data management.
Important Notes
- Since this is a graduate course, it is quite different from your
undergraduate modules.
You will need to read many research papers and comment on them.
Every student should read all the relevant papers
plus some supporting materials
(reference books) if lack of background in a particular topic.
- Attending the presentation itself is necessary but not sufficient for
effective learning.
Each group of two/three will only present one topic.
HOWEVER, all the topics presented will be covered in the final exam.
Each group is to make their ppt and report ready for others to download.
- If you are caught lifting text or diagrams from existing surveys,
papers, and websites, without giving due credit, you will be
given 0 for the assignment.
- Lecture notes will be given out during lectures.
Week 1: Course structure + introduction.
Introduction to p2p.
Week 2: Unstructured Networks
Week 3: Structured Networks
Week 4: Cayley Graphs and P2P Overlays
Week 5-7: Student presentation
Week 8: Community based Databases: Chracteristics and design issues
Week 9: Data integration
Week 10: DB + IR based retrieval
Week 11-13: student presentation
Topics for P2P Report and Presentation
- Query processing in structured P2P systems
- Query processing in unstructured P2P systems
- P2P system in mobile environment
- Data Centric Applications
- Caching and Replication
- Programming Frameworks, Models and Techniques
- Security in P2P Networks
- Trust and Reputation
- Systems and Applications
- Topics for Community Based DB
- Bestpeer support for social acitivities
- The DBLife project
- Google Based projects
- Y! projects
- Storage and indexing
- Data integration
Guidelines and Requirements
- Guidelines and Suggested Reference Papers
- Presentation schedule -- see lecture schedule.
- Due date for report: tba
Programming Project
- Undergraduate modules on database management systems
- Database Management Systems, Second edition, by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, McGraw Hill, 2003.
- Papers could be found in ACM SIGCOMM, ACM SIGMOD, IEEE ICDE,
VLDB, P2P workshops, IEEE TKDE of last 6 years.
W.S. Ng, B. C. Ooi and K.L. Tan:
Bestpeer: A self configurable peer-to-peer system.
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'2002),
San Jose,
April 2002, Poster paper.
W.S. Ng, B. C. Ooi, K.L. Tan, A. Zhou:
PeerDB: A P2P-based System for Distributed Data Sharing.
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'2003), Bangalore, 2003.
Under constant modification and construction.