Rahul Jain



Department of Computer Science

Principal Investigator

Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT)

National University of Singapore




Office: S15-04-01 (CQT), COM2-02-02 (CS Dept)

Address: S15-04-01, 3 Science Drive 2, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543

Phone: +65 6516 8826 (CQT), +65 6516 4705 (CS Dept.)

Email: rahul AT comp dot nus dot edu dot sg


Interests: Quantum and classical information theory, algorithms, complexity theory and cryptography.

Ph.D. Thesis: Information theoretic problems in computational complexity theory

Publications, Curriculum Vitae.


            Associate Editor: Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), May 2016 onwards.

Program Committee: ITCS 2025, FOCS 2022, QIP 2022, 2018, 2016, 2014; ISIT 2021; STOC 2020; QCRYPT 2020; TQC 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2010; FSTTCS 2017, 2012; TAMC 2016, 2015 (co-Chair), 2013; ICALP 2016; STACS 2016; ISAAC 2014.


Graduate students:

1.     Yaonan Zhang, Zhili Chen (2024 onward), Rishabh Batra (2021 onward).

2.     Upendra Kapshikar (2019-2024). Research fellow at the University of Ottawa.

3.     Naresh B. Goud (2017-2022).

a.      Applied Research Lead (Quantum Cryptography), JPMorgan Chase, Singapore.

b.     Previously a research fellow at the Cryptography and Information Security Laboratories (CIS Lab), NTT Research, USA.

4.     Srijita Kundu (2017-2021). Research fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada.

5.     Anurag Anshu (2013-2018).

a.      Assistant Professor, Harvard University, USA.

b.     Previously a research fellow at U.C Berkeley, USA and at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada.

c.      Recipient of Dean s Graduate Research Excellence Award, School of Computing, NUS, 2017.

6.     Priyanka Mukhopadhyay (2013-2018).

a.      Staff Research Scientist, IBM Yorktown Heights, USA.

b.     Research fellow at the University of Toronto, Canada; previously a research fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada.

7.     Attila Pereszlényi (2010-2015).

a.      Associate Software Developer, Morgan Stanley, Budapest, Hungary.

b.     Previously a research fellow at SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control), Budapest, Hungary and IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale), Paris, France.

8.     Penghui Yao (2009-2013).

a.      Associate Professor, Nanjing University, China.

b.     Recipient of the ``Thousand Talents Award'' by Chinese Government (http://www.1000plan.org/en/).

c.      Previously a ``Hartree Postdoctoral Fellow'' at the University of Maryland, at IQC, University of Waterloo, Canada, and at CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

d.     Recipient of Research Achievement Award, School of Computing, NUS, 2012.

Undergraduate students:

1.     Soh Jiong Hao, Lim Zhimming and Liu Yuheng (FYP 2018-19): Recipient of the I&E Practicum@SoC Award by School of Computing, NUS.


2.     Venkatesan Harish and Vu Dinh Quang Dat (FYP 2017-18): Qualified to receive the NUS Alumni Start-up Catalyst (NASC) Award by NUS Enterprise.


3.     Utkarsh Jain, Eric Siu Zi Feng, (FYP 2017-18).

4.     Zhou Jun (UROP 2012-13).


1)     CS4268, Quantum Computing, Jan-Apr, 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023.

2)     COM-QCF, Quantum Computing Fundamentals, Advanced Computing for Executives (ACE), August 2023; August 2024.

3)     QT5198, Seminar Module on Quantum Information offered in CQT, Jan-April 2009. Details in IVLE.

4)     CS3268, Introduction to Information Theory, Jan-Apr 2018; 2025.

5)     CS6234, Advanced Algorithms

a.      Jan-Apr, 2016, Course website; Jan-Apr, 2014, Course website;

b.     Jan-Apr, 2013, Course website ; Jan-Apr, 2012, Course website.

6)     CS3230, Design and Analysis of Algorithms

a.      Jan-April, 2024 (jointly with Prof. Arnab Bhattacharyya), details in Canvas;

b.     Aug-Dec, 2014 (jointly with Prof. Hon-Wai Leong), details in IVLE;

c.      Aug-Dec, 2012 (jointly with Prof. Bakhadyr Khoussainov), Course website ; Aug-Dec, 2011, Course website.

7)     CS3230-R, Design and Analysis of Algorithms-R , 2011-2012, Course website.

8)     CS6209, Topics in Cryptography , Jan-Apr, 2011. Course website.

9)     CS6285, Foundations of Cryptography , Jan-April, 2009. Course website.

10) CS3231, Theory of Computation

a.      Aug-Dec, 2010, Course website ;

b.     Jan-April, 2010 (jointly with Prof. Sanjay Jain), Course website.

11) MATH-136, Linear Algebra , course offered in University of Waterloo, winter term, 2007. Lecture notes.


ˇ       Award under the "VISITING ADVANCED JOINT RESEARCH FACULTY SCHEME (VAJRA)" 2017-18 by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (http://www.vajra-india.in/).

ˇ       "BEST of 2016" by ACM Computing Reviews.

ˇ       Young Researcher Award, National University of Singapore, 2012.

ˇ       "Best paper award" at the 42nd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2010.

ˇ       IBM Distinguished Dissertation Award, 2005.

ˇ       TAA-Sasken Best Thesis Award, 2005-2006.