News Archive
- (Nov. 2024) Congratulations to Arpan Losalka for successfully defending his PhD thesis titled "Safety and Reliability in Bayesian Optimization: Algorithms and Regret Guarantees"
- (Oct. 2024) Paper Exact Thresholds for Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing accepted to SODA 2025
- (Sept. 2024) Paper A General Framework for Clustering and Distribution Matching with Bandit Feedback uploaded to arXiv
- (Sept. 2024) Paper Exact Error Exponents of Concatenated Codes for DNA Storage uploaded to arXiv
- (Aug. 2024) Paper Robust Instance Optimal Phase-Only Compressed Sensing uploaded to arXiv
- (July 2024) Congratulations to Xu Cai for successfully defending his PhD thesis titled "On Error Bounds for Kernel-Based Optimization and Integration with Black-Box Queries"
- (June 2024) Paper Approximate Message Passing with Rigorous Guarantees for Pooled Data and Quantitative Group Testing accepted to SIMODS
- (May 2024) Paper Optimal 1-bit Error Exponent for 2-hop Relaying with Binary-Input Channels accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (May 2024) Paper Regret Bounds for Noise-Free Cascaded Kernelized Bandits accepted to TMLR
- (April 2024) Paper Concomitant Group Testing accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (April 2024) I have been promoted to Associate Professor
- (Jan. 2024) Paper "No-Regret Algorithms for Safe Bayesian Optimization with Monotonicity Constraints" accepted to AISTATS 2024
- (Jan. 2024) Congratulations to Eric Han for successfully defending his PhD thesis titled "Bayesian Optimisation Techniques for High-Dimensional and Adversarial Settings"
- (Jan. 2024) Paper Mismatched Rate-Distortion Theory: Ensembles, Bounds, and General Alphabets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Jan. 2023) Paper Exact Thresholds for Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing uploaded to arXiv
- (Dec. 2023) Paper Kernelized Normalizing Constant Estimation: Bridging Bayesian Quadrature and Bayesian Optimization accepted to AAAI 2024
- (Nov. 2023) Paper Maxflow-Based Bounds for Low-Rate Information Propagation over Noisy Networks accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Sept. 2023) Paper A Unified Framework for Uniform Signal Recovery in Nonlinear Generative Compressed Sensing accepted to NeurIPS 2023
- (June 2023) Paper On Average-Case Error Bounds for Kernel-Based Bayesian Quadrature accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research
- (May 2023) Paper Benefits of Monotonicity in Safe Exploration with Gaussian Processes accepted to UAI 2023
- (April 2023) Paper Communication-Constrained Bandits under Additive Gaussian Noise accepted to ICML 2023
- (April 2023) Videos available for co-organized events: ALT 2023 and IMS Information Theory and Data Science Workshop
- (Feb. 2022) Paper Multi-Bit Relaying over a Tandem of Channels accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Jan. 2023) Paper Theoretical Perspectives on Deep Learning Methods in Inverse Problems accepted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT)
- (Dec. 2022) Paper Max-Quantile Grouped Infinite-Arm Bandits accepted to ALT 2023
- (Dec. 2022) Paper Model-Based and Graph-Based Priors for Group Testing accepted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- (Oct. 2022) Paper Fast Splitting Algorithms for Sparsity-Constrained and Noisy Group Testing accepted to Information and Inference
- (Sept. 2022) Paper Performance Bounds for Group Testing With Doubly-Regular Designs accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Sept. 2022) Paper A Robust Phased Elimination Algorithm for Corruption-Tolerant Gaussian Process Bandits accepted to NeurIPS 2022
- (June 2022) Paper Simple Coding Techniques for Many-Hop Relaying accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (May 2022) Papers Adversarial Attacks on Gaussian Process Bandits and Improved Convergence Rates for Sparse Approximation Methods in Kernel-Based Learning accepted to ICML 2022
- (Jan. 2022) Paper Generative Principal Component Analysis accepted to ICLR 2022
- (Jan. 2022) Paper Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization with Few Batches accepted to AISTATS 2022
- (Jan. 2022) Paper Tight Regret Bounds for Noisy Optimization of a Brownian Motion accepted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- (Dec. 2021) Paper Near-Optimal Sparsity-Constrained Group Testing: Improved Bounds and Algorithms accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Dec. 2021) Paper Max-Min Grouped Bandits accepted to AAAI 2022
- (Nov. 2021) Paper Noisy Adaptive Group Testing via Noisy Binary Search accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Oct. 2021) I have been awarded the NUS Presidential Young Professorship and listed on the MIT TR35 Innovators (Asia Pacific) list
- (Sept. 2021) Paper Towards Sample-Optimal Compressive Phase Retrieval with Sparse and Generative Priors accepted to NeurIPS 2021
- (Aug. 2021) Paper Optimal Rates of Teaching and Learning Under Uncertainty accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Aug. 2021) Paper Optimal Non-Adaptive Probabilistic Group Testing in General Sparsity Regimes accepted to Information and Inference
- (May 2021) Papers On Lower Bounds for Standard and Robust Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization and Lenient Regret and Good-Action Identification in Gaussian Process Bandits accepted to ICML 2021
- (March 2021) Paper Sublinear-Time Non-Adaptive Group Testing with O(k log n) Tests via Bit-Mixing Coding published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Jan. 2021) Paper Stochastic Linear Bandits Robust to Adversarial Attacks accepted to AISTATS 2021
- (Dec. 2020) Paper High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization via Tree-Structured Graphical Models accepted to AAAI 2020
- (Nov. 2020) Paper On the All-Or-Nothing Behavior of Bernoulli Group Testing accepted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT)
- (Sept. 2020) Paper The Generalized Lasso with Nonlinear Observations and Generative Priors accepted to NeurIPS 2020
- (Sept. 2020) Paper Support Recovery in the Phase Retrieval Model: Information-Theoretic Fundamental Limits accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Aug. 2020) Survey monograph Information-Theoretic Foundations of Mismatched Decoding published in Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory
- (June 2020) Paper A Fast Binary Splitting Approach to Non-Adaptive Group Testing accepted to RANDOM 2020
- (June 2020) Paper Sample Complexity Bounds for 1-bit Compressive Sensing and Binary Stable Embeddings with Generative Priors accepted to ICML 2020
- (May 2020) Paper Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds for Compressive Sensing with Generative Models published in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT)
- (Feb. 2020) Paper A Characteristic Function Approach to Deep Implicit Generative Modeling accepted to CVPR 2020
- (Jan. 2020) Paper Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing: A (Near-)Definite Defectives Approach accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Jan. 2020) Papers Corruption-Tolerant Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization and Learning Gaussian Graphical Models via Multiplicative Weights accepted to AISTATS 2020
- (Dec. 2019) Survey monograph Group Testing: An Information Theory Perspective published in Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory
- (Nov. 2019) Paper A MaxSAT-Based Framework for Group Testing accepted to AAAI 2020
- (Sept. 2019) Paper Learning Erdős-Rényi Random Graphs via Edge Detecting Queries accepted to NeurIPS 2019
- (July 2019) I have uploaded some tutorial slides on information-theoretic bounds for problems in statistics and machine learning
- (July 2019) Three papers presented at ISIT 2019: (i) Overlapping Multi-Bandit Best-Arm Identification; (ii) An Efficient Algorithm for Capacity-Approaching Noisy Adaptive Group Testing; (iii) A Recursive Cost-Constrained Construction that Attains the Expurgated Exponent
- (June 2019) Papers Noisy Adaptive Group Testing: Bounds and Algorithms and Generalized Random Gilbert-Varshamov Codes published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (March 2019) Paper Cross-Sender Bit Mixing Coding accepted to Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
- (Feb. 2019) Paper Performance of Group Testing Algorithms With Near-Constant Tests-per-Item published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- (Dec. 2018) Paper Adversarially Robust Optimization with Gaussian Processes presented as a spotlight talk at NeurIPS 2018
- (Nov. 2018) I have been awarded the National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellowship for the project Robust Statistical Model Under Model Uncertainty
- (Oct. 2018) I have been awarded the NUS Early Career Research Award for the project Information-Theoretic Methods in Data Science
- (Aug. 2018) Tutorial article An Introductory Guide to Fano's Inequality with Applications in Statistical Estimation uploaded, to appear in a book titled Information-Theoretic Methods in Data Science
- (July 2018) Paper Tight Regret Bounds for Bayesian Optimization in One Dimension presented at ICML 2018