Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment (BT4013), NUS, Jan-May 2020
(Link to Courses)- Great prof. Hope he's teaching us from year one.
- Actually concerned about us being industry ready
- Passionate teacher.
- Very effective in teaching difficult contents.
- Very dedicated professor who ensures that we are all up to speed, leaving no one behind. Flexible in adjusting the module schedule to our learning speed. Always providing clear explanation.
- He is best teacher I have encountered in my 4 years' of study. He has really sparked the interests in the subject. I wish I could have attended his class earlier.
- He's very passionate and detailed with his teachings
- Interactive Teaching
- great teaching style
- He really wants to help students to learn
- Good teacher
- Prof Stanley is very knowledgeable in the subject and very dedicated in his teaching. His lectures are one of the best classes I have ever taken in NUS.
- Very enthusiastic professor with a lot of passion for this field, it was a pleasure to be part of his class. A very patient and understanding professor, he takes the time to explain concepts and constantly stops to check if the class has caught up to the concepts taught.
- explaining difficult concepts with comprehensive mathematical proof
- Very detailed explanation of concepts.
- Engaging
- Teaches very well
- Very knowledgeable
- Very helpful in answering questions
- He's able to explain the concepts clearly, especially when students ask questions.
- Detailed explanations
- his ability to breakdown a complex topic with mathematics proofs that we understand. He is also one of the few prof who is actually very concerned that understand what he is teaching, and do not mind going the same concept over and over again.
- Very good ground knowledge
- Very good at answering students questions and very steady learning curve.
- Clear and concise
- Able to explain any queries posed by students
- Engaging students every lesson
- The prof is very clear in teaching and explains the concepts pretty well. The theoretical concepts are also supported by real-life applications which makes the mod more practical.
- He's very patient with his teachings
- Interactive Teaching
- Interactive teaching style with great content
- Really knows how to teach and understand the different ways that student look at the problem.
- His style of teaching is extremely engaging, and the content he put up is really gold; much of it is hardly being thought clearly on the internet, and really through this course, i learnt not just the theoretical knowledge, but also practical aspects.
- Strict and knowadgelable
- Prof Stanley is patient and always willing to answer our questions raised in class. He organised the content well.
- Very enthusiastic professor with a lot of passion for this field, it was a pleasure to be part of his class. A very patient and understanding professor, he takes the time to explain concepts and constantly stops to check if the class has caught up to the concepts taught.
- Clear explanation
- slow down the pace sometime
- Too many homework and deadline too short.
- Try to upload the slides with the plots after the lecture, it is easier for students to follow and revise
- More homework
- Homework can be in Python too
- Project, quiz and mid terms was not hard enough especially quiz
- Can give more homework.
- Project and quiz are not hard enough.
- The current amount of quizzes are good and helps to track learning! Should be kept that way next semester
- too much of the project is unrelated to content taught in the lectures, would suggest scraping the project and raising the midterm weight instead
- N.A.
- It can be improved if he has shared his lecture slides for revision.
- More practise questions
- Web lecture which can be replayed for reference
- One improvement may be that the content in the second half of the course (GARCH variants etc ) seems to be watered down by a lot.
- Give more practice
- Include peer evaluation for the group project. The workload for the group project is heavy and got extremely irresponsible teammates.
- Make the homework and quizzes more difficult, and increase the weightage for the exams because these are "real" reflections of whether we understand the materials.
- Less technical, more practical. This module seemed more like a Time Series Analysis module rather than capital markets trading and analysis. The practical sessions during lecture and the projects were great, but I feel more emphasis could have been made on trading strategies, and less on the math proving. For example, on different types of trades (carry, pairs, momentum, reversal, factor models), and how to analyse these trades (turnover of model, win-loss, hit-rate, calendar returns for example) using analytics and how to use machine learning to trade these as well. Maybe consider using QuantConnect for the trading project as well for its ease of backtesting strategies and vast amount of data available.
- Great prof.
- Interactive teaching
- concerned about us being industry ready
- Able to articulate the concepts very clearly and ensuring everyone is on the same page
- Very passionate in this teaching
- Great teaching style
- He really want to help students to learn, and everything done for the course is well thought after
- Prof Stanley is very knowledgeable in the subject and very dedicated in his teaching. His lectures are one of the best classes I have ever taken in NUS.
- engaging
- Very detailed explanation of concepts.
- Very helpful in answering questions
- knowledgeable
- Able to explain concepts well and handle students' questions.
- Very detailed in mathematical analysis
- He is willing and able to provide clear explanation patiently
- Interactive teaching
- Clear and Concise
- Hes's very patient.
- Great teaching style with interactive content
- Tutorial is engaging, and easy to understand.
- Prof Stanley is patient and always willing to answer our questions raised in class. He organised the content well.
- Clear explanation
- Too many homework and deadline is too short.
- Can increase homework
- Project, quiz and midterms can be harder
- Homework in python
- Can have more homework.
- Project and quiz can be harder.
- More examples and larger scope for practise questions
- He can share his lecture notes.
- Include peer evaluation for the group project. The workload for the group project is heavy and got extremely irresponsible teammates.
- Make the homework and quizzes more difficult, and increase the weightage for the exams because these are "real" reflections of whether we understand the materials.
- can include more concepts related to the capital market, the module name can be misleading as it appears more financial related and less mathematical-heavy than its actual content
- Can increase the amount of content in lectures
- Feel that sometimes the pace is slow
- Pace can be faster.
- More content should be included.
- N.A.
- May be focusing too much on time series, was hoping to learn some tricks and things to look out for in trading as well.
- This is no webcast, and perhaps can delve more into practical trading
- Heavy workload
- I think everything that was being though or done was already well though after
- Difficult
- Too much proving
- There are many repeated content and concepts
- Too many homework and homework are quite difficult.
- The project...
- useful content in the industry, popular concept of time series forecasting
- Learned more about different time series models
- Prof Stanley is able to explain the concepts well.
- Not just writing code, but actually understanding why time series works
- Relevant strategies and clear structure
- Rich in content for 4000 module
- Every part is connected to previous and knowledge is building up gradually.
- Learnt more in depth about time series
- provide the theoretical rigor
- Learn a lot about time series
- Learnt lots of new things
- Practical and theoretical aspects, and especially time series models which are hard to self learn online
- Useful
- Trading project
- It is practical and I've applied it on my project
- Practice question covering the new concepts.
- The mathematics of of time-series Analysis, the hands-on practice of real word data
Last modified: Tue Jun 10 14:00:-- SGT 2020