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Ministry of Exhortation
A practical application via small things around us

Written: 16 April 2006
Disclaimer: I haven't do thorough editing process for this article. Thus grammatical, structural or spelling errors are expected...

1. Definition

The term `exhortation' is usually interpreted as pure `advising'. However, the meaning of exhortation extends beyond that. Let's take a look at several translations: In Greek, the term `exhortation' is called `parakaleo' (comforter), a similar word with the Holy Spirit: a comforter. In Indonesian, the term is called `menasihati' (to advise). In English, the term can be translated to `encourage' or `advise'. To be precise, I will adopt the definition of `exhortation' as in, especially the 2nd definition:

  1. The act or an instance of exhorting.
  2. A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises.

Therefore, the `ministry of exhortation' is defined as a ministry for encouraging, inciting, or earnestly advising fellow believers, to point him / her back to Jesus Christ. It is not merely `teaching', not just showing the other believers what they must do, but also to help them to do it.

2. Scope of this writing

Exhortation is mentioned many times across the New Testament, from Jesus's words and especially from Apostle Paul's in his letters. The discussion about this subject can be very broad, and therefore I should set certain constraints for this writing:

  1. First constraint is that the object of this ministry is fellow believers only, as it is difficult (even though not impossible) to exhort non-believers using biblical statements, e.g. ``God will make a way'' to a desperate non-believer who is unable to see a way out of his / her problems, ``God will never leave nor forsake you'' to a broken-hearted non-believer who has just been dumped by his / her girlfriend, etc.

  2. The second constraint is that in this writing, I will only discuss how to practically conduct this kind of ministry in our life. Another angle of discussion can be found in [2].

  3. It is true and it is very logical that before one is able to conduct ministry of exhortation, a form of ministry of listening (or observation) should be done first. How to exhort others if you don't know their struggles or don't see their shortcomings. Thus, the third constraint is that I assume you already have the ability to listen or observe other's needs or shortcomings.

3. Benefits and Difficulties

In Romans 12:8, Apostle Paul, the one who popularized this ministry, encouraged that those who has the gift of exhortation to exercise it with humility. The benefit of ministry of exhortation is simply this: That Christian living will be much better and will be a good testimony for others if we express our love to one another via this ministry.

However, when I ponder this verse, I realized that it is not easy to conduct this ministry.

When you are exhorting, you may run into these difficulties:

  1. Giving `too much' advice will make you disliked by people you advise as the effect of exhortation will diminish over time if repeated too often (make him / her either faint-hearted or hard-hearted to your advise).

  2. Giving `wrong' advice may end up hurting those whom you want to exhort. In fact, anyone who is being advised will get a sense of `discomfort' as that people need to change (this seems to be a 'contradiction', as exhortation is meant to be comforting, but this happens).

  3. Giving `wrong' encouragement can actually discourage rather than encourage.

Ministry of exhortation also carries danger to the exhorter himself / herself. The dangers include:

  1. Self Pride (exhortation can be misused for getting noticed, i.e. the hidden agenda),

  2. Hypocrisy (you don't practice what you preach),

  3. Imbalance (only advising without comforting or vice versa).

Such difficult ministry can only be done when the exhorter himself / herself are in good shape, i.e. good personal relationship with God. Moreover, the exhorter himself / herself, as a human, will be unable to perform it at all time as he / she will one day need to be exhorted too.

4. Learning from Apostle Paul

Knowing these difficulties, I spent some time to conduct simple research on how to conduct this ministry in a practical manner. I studied the way apostle Paul conduct this ministry via his letters. And these are what I learnt:

  1. Paul actually listened (heard) or observed the condition of the churches addressed in his letters.

  2. He praised what is to be praised in that particular congregation,

  3. But he also encourages congregation while in hardship (e.g. persecutions) and pinpoint errors to direct the congregation towards a better condition.

  4. Paul wrote very carefully. He usually write safe statements, e.g. in forms of: if A then do this, else if not A then do that. For those who are not familiar with mathematical logic: the union of {A} and {Not A} is basically the whole possibilities. Thus such kind of statements are safe statements.

  5. He exhort congregation with wisdom, by speaking the right thing, at the right moment, with the right motive. While we may not have the privilege to attain his level of wisdom, this indirectly imply that ministry of exhortation should be done carefully.

  6. He exhort using encouraging biblical verses (God's Word), or his own encouraging statements which are biblical.

5. Practical Tools

However, we are not apostle Paul and I know that not everyone has the gift of exhortation. However, by learning Paul's ways, I suggest several things that many of us can use to take part in this ministry:

1. Biblical Verses

God's Word carries a lot of power. Therefore, it is very good if you can remember important verses that you can call to mind to exhort yourself (or others) at certain situations, e.g.:


God's Word

Recite When

Psalms 23:1-6 God is my shepherd, I shall not be in want... though I walk in the valley of the death, I will not be afraid... for thou art with me... When you are afraid or lonely.

There are many more verses in Psalms that can be re-cited for exhorting yourself or those whom in need.

Lamentations 3:19-26

I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope. Because of he Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ``The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'' The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

You need to self motivate yourself because of you remember your problems.
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. When you are yet to see the fruit of your labor.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. When in need of the assurance of salvation.
  Jesus many other words, as recorded in the 4 gospels or recited in other NT books...  
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. When something goes awfully wrong
  Paul, in my opinion, is the one who popularized this ministry of exhortation. It is shown in almost all his letters, where he exhorts, encourages, teaches the early churches... His words are really deep and still practically applicable until today.  
Hebrews 13:5b ... because God has said, ``Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'' When God seems far away

2. Encouraging Songs

Research shows that human soul can be soothed using appropriate songs. Christian songs basically can be classified as praise & worship songs, which more to vertical side and songs `to encourage us', more to comfort or strengthen the faith of us, believers. What I meant in this case is the Christian songs `for encouraging believers', e.g.:


Part of the Lyrics

Recite When

Mengingat AkanMu ... Whatever happens, they will make us remember You ... Something bad happens
Allah Peduli

... Nothing going to happen without God fail to notice it ...

In trouble
Yesus Kekuatan ... Your help will never be late for me ... In need of assurance
JanjiMu Seperti Fajar ... Your promise is like a sun rise in the morning
... Your promise is like a flowing river
Doubting God's promise
God Will Make A Way ... God will make a way, when there seems to be no way ... In trouble

3. Short Messages

Simple biblical messages (even though not biblical verses), which can be communicated via direct speech, sms, msn, etc, can surprisingly be an effective tool to exhort others... e.g.:

Short Messages

Recite When

When you see a cross, what do you think?
Have you ever thought about God's love?
And why He died for us?
Around Easter, to encourage others to reflect on the meaning of Easter.
Meaning of Easter is Hope
Spirit  of Easter is Light
Essence of Easter is Love
Promise of Easter is Life
Is this just our self-enjoyed joy,
while millions of people face judgment without ever hearing the message of Easter?
Easter will be more meaningful when believers share the Easter message to those who has yet to hear... Luke 24:44-48
Let's be Easter witnesses
When Easter celebration is reduced to simply celebration among believer and that's it...

u'll 4get abt me

my naMe

my VoiCe

who I AM

& WHO I AM 2 U

but knowing U

once in a lifetime

is already a gift from God

Thx 4 all u have done 4 me
Expressing thanks to someone (important)
B-egin ur day w/
L-ove in CHRIST
E-xpect blessing
S-hare goodness
S-hine like d sun
I-nspire some1
N-ever 4get that
G-OD is w/u all d time
Good for encouraging someone in the morning to start his / her day
MORNING is a wonderful blessing...
Either stormy or sunny, it stands for hope...
Giving us another start of what we call LIFE.
Have a lovely day
Same as above (idem)
Today I will walk with my hands in God
Today I will trust in Him and not be afraid,
for He will be there.
Good morning, may you experience His love today
Same as above (idem)
From my...


I wish you...

and hope that
the blessings
& guidance of


be with you...
Same as above (idem)
Without JESUS days are:
moanday, tearsday, wasteday, thirstday, frightday, shatterday n sadday.
So be with JESUS everyday.
Have a blessed day in Christ Jesus!
Same as above (idem), perhaps to start a new week?
c  ".)  Friends
 (,))   are special
 c-.;   treasures of
        the heart.

They make u feel loved,
needed, and secured.
It's often not said but felt.
For your important friend
When it seems like life isn't getting any better-remember that each act of obedience to God shortens the distance to any miracle you need.
(Isa 1:19; Deut 28:2)
When in struggle
Every TRIAL is a call to PRAYER
Every BURDEN is a bridge to the LORD
Every difficulty is an invitation to bend our knees
Each make us a better person!
Be strong!
Same as above (idem)
as long as


a waste.

So, when things go
terribly wrong

& U feel like
giving up
please remember:
Jesus care!
and I care!
Same as above (idem)
You will be in my prayer. (or: I will pray for you). Same as above (idem)
days r 2 busy
hours r 2 few
second r 2 fast
but now...
I spend a little time
.... 2 pray &
( ", ) hope u
(")(") get <...fill in the blanks...>
To express your hope to your friend
.+==+.OD is
==  ""OOD and
== "==REAT!
keep HIM alive
("v") in ur
HEART every...
==  ==ay of
==  == ur
When you want to praise God
When you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He send u not diamonds, not pearls, not riches, but the LOVE of real people around U! Reminding others about the value of friendship / love.

6. What's Next?

Now after all have been said, I exhort you, the reader of this page, to try practicing this ministry of exhortation to your friends, families, relatives, cell group members, perhaps to missionaries that you know too, etc. Either by using some tools that I've listed above or use your own style.

Get ready, as you will never know when you will be required to this ministry. For me, I will read the Bible more thoroughly and remember more verses, listen to more encouraging songs, and write more encouraging messages...

May God give you wisdom as you speak to exhort others... I believe that Christian living will be much better and will be a good testimony for others if we express our love to one another via this ministry =).


7. Disclaimer Again...

I am still learning and will continue learning how to apply this ministry effectively to serve my brothers and sisters in Christ. :)


1. NIV Study Bible

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