A U T H O R ' S F O R E W O R D 中国是一个神秘的国家。她不但在外国人眼里难以理解,在中国人心目中也 是一个谜。正因为她是一个谜,所以她才可爱。这本书向读者透露出了一点谜语 。请读者去猜测她。 张贤亮/一九八六年十一月十八日 China is a mysterious country. Difficult to understand, it is an egnima to foreigners, and also a riddle to the Chinese themselves. Its very impenetrableness is what makes it so attractive. This book gives some hints to the answer to the riddle. I hope its reader will come to their own conclusions. Zhang Xianliang NOVEMBER 1986