The sky became bright from around 5 a.m., but sunlight was seen from around 6:30 a.m.
The pedestrian bridge was built last year (2003). It links the Centre Céramique (at Plein 1992, which is just next to my hotel) on the east side of the river to Hellpoort on the other side.
I set off to St Pietersberg in the morning, about 1 km to the south. It is a flat-topped hill which contains many undergound caves and passages. I did not have time to visit these caves, so I only went to Fort St Pieter which was at the near end.
At noon, I walked back to the town centre, passing by Universiteit Maastricht.
I then joined a walking tour around the town.
After that, I visted the Bonnefanten Museum. It is housed in a modern building designed by Aldo Rossi, recognizable by its space rocket-style cupola zooming skywards. Inside is permanent collection of old masters and contemporary fine art.