Written by Lim Teng Ting, Elaine


THE first of its kind, the SoC Karaoke-cum-Charity Session '99 brought together a colourful mix of staff, students and alumni of the school for a day of great fun and heartfelt giving.

It all started with a casual suggestion* in the School's bulletin board, the BBS, which very quickly generated a great deal of attention. Soon, a team of 13 volunteers was formed and they rushed into action straightaway.
The idea behind the show was to get people to request their friends and staff to sing at the SoC Karaoke-cum-Charity Session '99. Proceeds from the pledges would then go to charity. A simple idea essentially. But the response was overwhelming. Pledges from the staff and students started pouring in through the web and many contributed their personal collections of LDs and VCDs.

3rd of April saw earnest crooners, enthusiastic songbirds and their friends file into LT31 at 2pm. Associate Professor Chua Tat Seng, Acting Dean, was there to grace the event, and sportingly satisfied the crowd's request with his soulful rendition of "Release Me". Other favourite staff singers included Miss Nor Rahizah, Mdm Toh Mui Kiat, Mdm Toh Sew Kiok, Dr Tan Tiow Seng, and Dr Gary Tan. Mr Lee Chee Wai sent the audience into uncontrollable fits of laughter with his humorous interpretation of "Oh Carol", while Mr Aaron Tan mesmerized everyone with his soothing and crystal-clear voice.

The event was dotted with special items, including an exciting martial arts performance. The Mauritius students, decked out in technicolour splendour, performed a traditional Mauritian dance and enlivened the stage with their elegant and graceful movements. The audience was further treated to a hilarious performance by two members of our alumni, whose item -- the "Healthy Song" -- grossed a whooping $140 for the day.

The session also became an informal Guess-The-Identity-Of-The-BBSer's game for some regular BBS'ers. Favourite BBS personalities like Two Face, Xiao Ping Guo, Sid, Jeff Pillow and Pat were finally identified in person as they came to support the event. It also provided the opportunity for alumni to visit the school and catch up with one another.

When the curtain finally came down at 9pm, the amount of money collected tallied $888. The donation was later handed over to the Children's Aid Society, and the organisers spent a fun-fill afternoon with the children.


Written by Aaron Tan

That casual suggestion was made by a certain big-mouth called Aaron, who was rather surprised when a certain Tan Hai Tat picked up the remark and treated it with utmost seriousness. Soon, Aaron was regretting it a little, as he was drawn into the organising committee (well, the person who suggests an idea can never run away from it, they say). The formidabe Hai Tat then shot an arrow to Liew Shiang Chen (Phoenix Hawk), and soon, more arrows were seen flying all over the places. As amazing as it seems mystifying, a 'team' was soon formed -- mystifying because some of the members never saw each other until the actual day itself, but still managed to run the show without glitches!

Aaron was horrified at the efficiency of the team. Within HOURS (!) after the first quick meeting during which a checklist of jobs to be done was drafted and more specific lethal arrows shot, the website was up (designed by Tok Wee Hyong and hosted by Amelia Choon Hui Chin), potential sponsors were sought, the beneficiary identified (thanks to Mah Ei Leen), programme drawn and performers invited (with the kind help of Neil).

Meanwhile, Aaron, keeping note of what was going on and doing nothing much, reminded himself secretly that one day if he loses his job, he will NOT choose these people as his bosses.

Fellow SoCians like Lock Keng Hock, Elaine Lim Teng Ting, Gary Toh Boon Hsing, Larry Yee Boon Chong, and Regina Chia Hui Mei (sorry if I miss out anybody) took up their assigned roles responsively. Alumni like Woo Kok Leong, Lai Kian Meng, Chan Meizhen, among others, lent us their support too. On the staff side, Dr Tan Sun Teck, on behalf of the Sports and Recreation Committee of the School, gave us a generous sponsorship for the tea reception, and of course, the many staff members who pledged and turned up for the event. If my memory does not fail me, it must have been the first SoC event that involves the staff, alumni and students.

In the end, Aaron didn't quite regret it. In fact, he was too happy, and secretly wished that without prompting, SOMEBODY ELSE will organise it again next year.

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