
Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore
Cloud Computing: Development & Future Trends
15 Aug 2019, for China North Industries Group Corporation


- lecture, class


Cloud computing is moving towards mainstream enterprise adoption from production applications to enabling enterprise digital transformation.  This 3-hr programme is divided into two parts: (i) foundation of cloud computing and (ii) current status and future directions. Part i includes basic concepts, key business drivers, technical and non-technical challenges, cloud service (delivery) & deployment models, and two key-enabling technologies:  virtualization, multitenancy.  Cloud computing has moved  beyond disrupting IT to provide the basis (cloud-enabled platform services) for future digital disruptions and innovations. Part ii discusses future trends in cloud computing and the important of cloud computing as a base technology for developing and hosting modern/next generation computing services with advanced AI, data analytics capabilities among others. 

: Teo Yong Meng, Com2, #04-39 (email)

Date/Venue: lecture @ 9-12 noon (Executive Classroom, Com2, 04-02), datacenter visit @ 3pm (Com1, level 1, technical helpdesk)

Slides:  Part-0: Overview, Part-1: Foundation of Cloud Computing, Part-2: Current Status & Furture Directions

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Thomas Erl, et al., Prentice-Hall, 2013.

updated: 14 Aug 2019


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