Chi-square (Continuous Distribution)
interval freq. Oi freq. Ei
[1.590, 3.425) 10 6.25 2.25
[3.425, 5.595) 3 6.25 0.81
[5.595, 8.252) 6 6.25 0.01
[8.252, 11.677) 1 6.25 4.41
[11.677, 16.503) 1 6.25 4.41
[16.503, 24.755) 4 6.25 0.81
Since , the null
hypothesis is rejected.
CAUTION:The chi-square test requires
that the data be placed in class
intervals (grouping is arbitrary in
continuous distributional assumption).
Thus a hypothesis may be accepted
when the data are grouped one way,
but rejected when grouped in another