1. Course Syllabus
1.1. Lectures (Weeks 1-7)
The list of topics below is tentative and will be updated based on student feedback and the overall experience in the lectures.
Automata Theory
Week 1: Basics of Automata Theory
Finite State Automata
Regular Languages and Closure Properties
Basic Characterizations such as Pumping Lemma, Myhill Nerode Theorem
- References for Week-1:
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3rd edition, Michael Sipser
Madhavan Mukund’s lecture notes on Automata on Infinite Words
Week 2: Automata on Infinite Words + Connections to Logic
Automata on infinite words
S1S and WS1S
MSO and its decidability
Decidability of Presburger arithmetic
- References for Week-2:
Madhavan Mukund’s lecture notes on Automata on Infinite Words
Week 3: Tree Automata
Tree Automata - syntax and semantics
Top down v/s bottom up, determinism
Decision problems, Closure properties
Relation to parse trees of CFLs
References for Week-3:
Week 4: Tree Automata and Connections to Logic
Infinite trees
S2S, and MSO over trees
Rewrite systems, confluence and undecidability
Ground rewrite systems and decidability of confluence
1.2. References.
We will closely follow these references:
Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games: A Guide to Current Research. Access this resource via NUS library #1
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Systems Boot Camp, Simons Institute for The Theory of Computing
Further Reading:
1.3. Papers to present at the seminars
The following is a tentative list of topics to be presented in the module. The instructor will update the list of relevant/prominent papers on these topics soon. Each week, following the first one, we will have 1-2 items presented by 1-2 attendees. If there is a paper or topic you’d like to discuss that is not in the following list, please, feel free to suggest it!
Visibly Pushdown Automata and Nested Words
Practical Algorithms for Universality and Equivalence of NFAs
Antichains: A New Algorithm for Checking Universality of Finite Automata
Checking NFA equivalence with bisimulations up to congruence
Learning Regular Languages
Courcelle’s Theorem and Connections to Parametrized Complexity
Trace abstraction
Regular Model Checking
Well Structured Transition Systems
Kleene Algebra with Tests
Symbolic Automata and Transducers
Timed and Hybrid Automata