Computing for

Voluntary Welfare Organisations

IT Systems for Singapore VWOs, Coded with Love

What's CVWO?

Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations (CVWO) is an initiative founded by Dr Ben Leong and spearheaded by undergraduates from the National University of Singapore School of Computing. Our mission is to build IT systems that help our partner VWOs serve the community more effectively.

What Do We Do?

CVWO combines the opportunity for the best undergraduates from the School of Computing to serve the community in a significant and sustainable way using industry-standard computer systems. We pride ourselves on the quality of our systems developed and the relevance they have to the workflow of our partner VWOs. Our success is measured by the increase in organizational efficiency that accrues from reducing the time social workers spend on administrative tasks.

Wah, so hardcore, why do you do this?

A passion for IT development and a desire to provide meaningful service to the community unite us at CVWO.

Many Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs) in Singapore can benefit from the computerization of processes which are repetitive or administrative in nature. Selective computerization allows social workers to spend more of their time on the tasks that directly influence their beneficiaries. However, the cost of competent IT development is prohibitive and few VWOs have the financial capacity to justify expenditure on IT systems instead of on items related to their core businesses.

Since manpower contributes to most of the cost in IT development, CVWO is a platform that matches the computer programming skills of volunteer undergraduates to the needs of selected partner VWOs. Through taking direct responsibility for the whole process of building an IT system, our programmers are involved in a unique learning opportunity outside the classroom.

How can I contribute to CVWO?

Applications for CVWO 2025 will open in early 2025. If you are interesting in joining CVWO 2025, do keep a look out for the holiday assignment that will be released in December 2024. A mailing list will also be opened later this year.

CVWO Through the Years

  • 2024

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for AACs & LBSA

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced existing systems for Active Ageing Centres, and Lions Befrienders Service Association.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2023

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for AACs, Sparks, LBSA & CAS, CCP & CCCC,

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced existing systems for Active Ageing Centres and Children's Aid Society, Care Corner Centre for Co-Parenting & Care Corner Counselling Centre.

    CVWO also embarked on a new project: Project Cornerstone

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2022

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for AACs, Sparks, LBSA & CS, CAS, CCP & CCCC,

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced the systems for Active Ageing Centres, GIC Sparks & Smiles, Lions Befrienders Service Association, and Care Corner Centre for Co-Parent & Care Corner Counselling Centre.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2021

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for AACs / SACs & AUN-QA, Sparks, LBSA HPC & CS, CCP & CCCC,

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced the systems for Senior Activity Centres, ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance, GIC Sparks & Smiles, Lions Befrienders Service Association Home Personal Care & Cluster Support, and Care Corner Centre for Co-Parent & Care Corner Counselling Centre.

    CVWO also developed a new system for Active Ageing Centres.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2020

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for MOH, LBSA, SACs/NLs, Sparks, CCP & CCCC

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced the systems for LBSA, SACs/NLs, Sparks, CCP & CCCC.

    CVWO also developed a national contact tracing system for MOH to combat COVID-19.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2019

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for LBSA, AUN-QA, SACs/NLs, Sparks, CCP & CCCC

    CVWO upgraded and enhanced the systems for LBSA, SAC/NL, CCCC and CCP.

    CVWO also developed new systems for ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance and GIC Sparks & Smiles Program.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2018

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for LBSA, NUSCARES, CCCC, CCP & SAGE

    CVWO upgraded the LBSA system to enhance performance and security. In addition, features were built for LBSA to easily build reports to comply with Ministry reporting guidelines for VWOs.

    CVWO also developed a new system for NUSCARES, enhanced the Case Management System for Care Corner Counselling Centre and deployed an instance for Care Corner Centre for Co-parenting and SAGE Counselling Centre.

    The successful enhancement and completion of these systems were made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2017

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for LBSA

    CVWO rewrote and deployed the system for LBSA. The successful completion of these systems was made possible by GIC Pte. Ltd.

  • 2016

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for LBSA, CCCC & FYCS

    CVWO enhanced the Case Management System for Care Corner Counselling Centre and deployed an instance for Fei Yue Community Services. We also redesigned the system first built for LBSA during AY2008-2009 and enhanced in AY2009/2010 and AY2012/2013. The successful completion of these systems was made possible by the National Youth Council and Singapore Technologies Engineering.

  • 2015

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for SACs/NLs & CCCC

    CVWO implemented a Case Management System for Care Corner Counselling Centre. We also redesigned the system built for SACNL during AY2012/2013. The successful completion of these systems was made possible by the National Youth Council and the Lee Foundation.

  • 2014

    Upgraded Systems for YMCA & FYCS

    CVWO revamped the system built for YMCA based on the one developed in AY2010/2011. We also redesigned the system implemented for FYCS implemented during AY2011/2012 to be easier to use. This was made possible through the sponsorship of the National Youth Council and the Lee Foundation.

  • 2013

    Upgraded Systems for SACs/NLs & LBSA

    CVWO further redesigned the system for the Seniors Activity Centres to allow other organisations to use it. We also added functionality to the system to further reduce the workload of the staff using the system. CVWO also upgraded the system for Lions Befrienders first designed in AY2009/2010, implementing new workflows and changes to their existing workflows.

  • 2012

    Upgraded Systems for SACs/NLs & FYCS

    CVWO upgraded the system for the Seniors Activity Centres based on the one developed in AY2006/2007 to use the Drupal framework. CVWO also further refined the system for FYCS which was put in place in AY2010/2011.

  • 2011

    Upgraded & Developed Systems for YMCA & FYCS

    CVWO upgraded the system for YMCA and developed the system for Fei Yue Community Services. The Fei Yue project comprises of two systems, Volunteer Management System and the Casework Management System. The sponsors which made this possible are Lee Foundation and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)

  • 2010

    Upgraded Systems for MINDS & LBSA

    CVWO upgraded the system for the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS), as well as expanded on the system developed for Lions Befrienders Service Association (LBSA). The upgraded systems comprised of addition features and functionality requested by the organisations. The sponsors which made this possible are the Lee Foundation, and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)

  • 2009

    Developed Systems for YMCA & LBSA

    CVWO developed systems for YMCA and the Lions Befrienders Service Association. These systems handle client and volunteer management, providing accessible online management for the VWOs. Older projects were also upgraded with our new Drupal framework. The sponsors which made this possible are the Lee Foundation, Singapore Power, ST Engineering and Microsoft.

  • 2008

    Developed Systems for PERTAPIS & MWS

    CVWO developed systems for PERTAPIS (Islamic Theological Association of Singapore) and Methodist Welfare Services (MWS). These systems encompassed a case management system and a HR management system. The successful completion of these systems was made possible by generous sponsorships from McKinsey & Company, Accuron Technologies Limited and ST Engineering.

  • 2007

    Developed Systems for MINDS & GEHA

    CVWO developed systems for Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) and Geylang East Home for the Aged (GEHA). These systems encompassed a client management system, e-attendance system and facility management system and were made possible by our sponsors, Singapore Computer Systems Limited, ST Engineering and National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre.