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Honours (me and my past & present team members)

Heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

2024 Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science, for innovative and fundamental contributions to database theory and computational biology Limsoon Wong
2024 Pingat Bakti Setia, or Long Service Medal in English, for irreproachable character in 25+ years of service to the Government of Singapore and its associated organizations Limsoon Wong
2016 12th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA2016) Best Paper Award Qian Liu, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
2014 Pingat Pentadbiran Awam (Gangsa), or Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in English, for outstanding efficiency, competence, and industry Limsoon Wong
2014 ICDT 2014 Test of Time Award Peter Buneman, Val Tannen, Limsoon Wong
2014 Red Herring Top 100 Asia Molecular Connections Private Limited
2013 Fellow of the ACM, for contributions to database theory and computational biology Limsoon Wong
2013 BT-YES Bank survey of India's Best SMEs - Best SME for Innovation (Small). According to the survey, "... [it] is an outstanding company which has shown a sustained bend towards value, creating innovation ... and has positively altered Industry dynamics." Molecular Connections Private Limited
2009 Indian Institute of Economic Studies' "Udyog Rattan Award" and "Award for Excellence" Molecular Connections Private Limited
2008 ICICI-CNBC Emerging India Small Enterprise of the Year Award Molecular Connections Private Limited
CNBC interview video
2007 Rated by ISI as the 49th hottest paper in computer science published in 2006 ("Exploiting Indirect Neighbours and Topological Weight to Predict Protein Function from Protein-Protein Interactions". Bioinformatics, 22:1623--1630, July 2006) Hon Nian Chua, Wing-Kin Sung, Limsoon Wong
2007 Winner, Protein-Protein Subnetwork Challenge, the 2nd Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM) Hon Nian Chua, Hugo Willy, Guimei Liu, Xiaoli Li, Limsoon Wong, See-Kiong Ng
2006 Singapore Youth Award Medal of Commendation Limsoon Wong
2006 ICAAS Distinguished Service Award Limsoon Wong
2006 Ranked among the top 10 "prominent social actors who powered transition of data mining research to bioinformatics research" in [Zhou et al, "Topic evolution and social interactions: How authors effect research", CIKM2006] Limsoon Wong
2005 I2R Biannual Best Paper Award Haiquan Li, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong, Mengling Feng, and Yap-Peng Tan
2004 Ranked among the top 50 "Best Nurturers of Computer Science Research" in Indian Institute of Science Report IISc-CSA-TR-2004-10 Limsoon Wong
2003 Asian Innovation Award (Gold Award) Jinyan Li, Huiqing Liu, Limsoon Wong, and Allen Yeoh
2003 I2R Quarterly Best Paper Award Jinyan Li, Huiqing Liu, See-Kiong Ng, and Limsoon Wong
2002 LIT Quarterly Best Paper Award Jinyan Li, Huiqing Liu, and Limsoon Wong
1999 Singapore Youth Award Limsoon Wong
1998 Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award (Commendation Award) Oliver Wu and Liu Hai
1998 National University of Singapore Staff Achievement Award Limsoon Wong
1998 ASEAN Certificate of Achievements Limsoon Wong
1998 KRDL Quarter Cup Limsoon Wong
1997 National Academy of Science Young Scientist Award Limsoon Wong
1997 Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship Zhang Louxin
1997 Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award (Gold Award) Limsoon Wong
1995 Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship Limsoon Wong
1995 Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff Award Limsoon Wong