Limsoon's Courses and Tutorials
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Limsoon's Courses, Tutorials, and Master Classes
You cannot teach a man anything;
you can only help him to find it for himself.
---Galileo Galilei.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics , 2003.
Limsoon Wong.
Techniques and Applications of Sequence Comparison.
Lecture at
NTU School of Computer Engineering
BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics ,
27 August 2003.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics , 2004.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6103 , 2004.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures at NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6106:
Algorithms for Bioinformatics , 2004.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics , 2005.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering
BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics , 2005.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering
BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics , 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2008.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
28 August 2008.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2009.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
27 August 2009.
Limsoon Wong, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2010 (Jan).
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
8 September 2010.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2010 (Aug).
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2011.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
9 September 2011.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis" , 2012.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2012.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2012.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
5 September 2012.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis" , 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
4 September 2013.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2014.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis"
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS6101: Exploration of CS Research, 2014.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for
CS6101: Exploration of CS Research,
"Analysis of Gene Expression based on Single-Cell Sequencing" , 2014.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
3 September 2014.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2015.
Limsoon Wong, Li Xiao Li.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2015.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
4 September 2015.
Limsoon Wong.
Main reading for
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on Cancer Bioinformatics" , 2015.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2016.
Limsoon Wong.
Main reading for
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on Cancer Bioinformatics" , 2016.
Limsoon Wong, Li Xiao Li.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2016.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures and coordination for NUS School of Computing
CS2309: CS Research Methodology, 2016.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
13 September 2016.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2017.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on MS-based Proteomics" , 2017.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2017.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
29 September 2017.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2018.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2018.
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on MS-based Proteomics" , 2018 (AY17/18 Sem 2).
Limsoon Wong.
Reading list for
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on Big Data and a Bewildered Lay Analyst" ,
2018 (AY18/19 Sem 1).
Limsoon Wong.
Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
11 September 2018.
Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2019.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2019.
Limsoon Wong, Anders Skanderup.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics , 2020.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2020.
Limsoon Wong.
Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
4 September 2020.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2021.
Limsoon Wong.
GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques,
"Journal Club on Big Data and a Bewildered Lay Analyst" ,
2021 (AY21/22 Sem 1).
Limsoon Wong.
Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
6 September 2021.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU,
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2022.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS6222: Advanced Topics in Computational Biology , 2022.
Limsoon Wong.
Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for
the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme,
Division of Graduate Medical Studies,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS .
6 September 2022.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU ,
Jan & Feb 2023.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS6222: Advanced Topics in Computational Biology , 2023.
Limsoon Wong.
GS6883B: Integrative Science and Engineering,
"Journal Club on the Reluctant Data Scientist" ,
2023 (AY23/24 Sem 1).
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4330: Combinatorial Methods in Bioinformatics , 2023.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU ,
Jan & Feb 2024.
Limsoon Wong & Somayyeh Koohi.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology , 2024.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU ,
Jan 2025.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS School of Computing
CS4330: Combinatorial Methods in Bioinformatics , 2025.
Master Classes
Limsoon Wong.
From Datamining to Bioinformatics .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS5228 (Knowledge Discovery & Datamining) ,
October 2002.
Limsoon Wong.
Recognition of Gene Features.
Invited lecture at NTU BI6103 , 20 February 2003.
Limsoon Wong.
A Practical Introduction to Bioinformatics .
Invited short course at National Yang Ming University ,
Taipei, Taiwan, 22 May 2004.
Limsoon Wong.
Gene Finding and Gene Feature Recognition by Computational Analysis.
Invited tutorial at Beijing Normal University ,
Beijing, 21-25 November 2004.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS-KI Graduate Course on "Bioinformatics for Molecular
Medicine & Cell Biology With Advanced Current Topics" ,
National University of Singapore, 18-27 November 2005.
Limsoon Wong.
Guilt by Association .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS6280 (Special Topics in Computer Science
on Computational Systems Biology) ,
1 March 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Knowledge Discovery Techniques for Bioinformatics .
Invited short course at Yang Ming National University ,
Taipei, Taiwan, 6-7 June 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Lectures for NUS-KI Graduate Course KI1972 on
"Applied Bioinformatics and Computational Biology" ,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 10-17 June 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Invariants Underlying Relational Databases & Queries
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2306S (Problem Solving in Computing II) ,
31 January 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
University Scholars Seminar on "Manifestation and Exploitation
of Invariants in Bioinformatics" ,
NUS University Scholars Programme, 7 February 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Accurate Recognition of Translation Initiation Sites,
Transcription Start Sites, and Polyadenylation Signals
in Genomic Sequences .
Invited seminar for University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China , Chengdu, Sichuan, 25 May 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Increasing Confidence of Protein-Protein Interactomes .
Invited tutorial at Computational Methods in Biomolecular Structures and
Interaction Networks Program ,
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 13 July 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Fun with invariants .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2305S (Problem Solving in Computing I) ,
1 November 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Knowledge Discovery Applications in Bioinformatics .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS6220 (Advanced Topics in Data Mining) ,
6 November 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
What do gambling, magic, and human evolution have in common? .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS3108 (Computational Thinking) ,
2 September 2008.
Limsoon Wong.
Adventures of a Logician-Engineer .
Guest lecture for Imperial College London Graduate Schools Transferable
Skills Programme , NTU Executive Centre,
2 September 2008.
Limsoon Wong.
Delivering Reproducible Gene Expression Analysis .
Invited lecture for Microarray Workshop on Gene Expression Analysis
for Aspiring Clinician Researchers ,
Clinical Research Centre, NUS, 23 September 2011.
(This lecture was cancelled.)
Limsoon Wong.
Using biological networks for protein function prediction, biomarker
identification, and other problems in computational biology .
Invited master class at 2012 International Winter School in
Methods in Bioinformatics (WSMBio2012) ,
Tarragona, Spain, 20-24 February 2012.
Limsoon Wong.
Large-scale bio and medical data mining .
Invited master class at
UTS AAI Big Data Summer School ,
Sydney, Australia, 10 April 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
The use of context in gene expression and proteomic profile analysis .
Invited master class at
2013 International Summer School on Trends in Computing (SSTiC2013) ,
Tarragona, Spain, 22-26 July 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
Disease gene expression and proteomic profile analysis based on regulatory
networks and systems .
Invited master class at
EMS Autumn School on Computational Aspects of Gene Regulation ,
Bedlewo, Poland, 13-19 October 2013.
Limsoon Wong.
Is big necessarily better?
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS5344 (Big Data Analytics Technology) ,
21 March 2014.
Limsoon Wong.
Computing is no more about programming than
biology is about test tubes .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2309 (CS Research Methodology) ,
9 November 2018.
Limsoon Wong.
Happy families are all alike;
every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way .
Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2309 (CS Research Methodology) ,
9 November 2018.
Limsoon Wong.
Computer science is no more about programming than biology
is about Petri dishes and test tubes .
Guest lecture for NUS NGS GSS6886 (NGS Seminars) ,
30 January 2019.
Limsoon Wong.
Practical advice on using AI and machine learning on omics data .
Lecture for 1st Westlake-New England Summer School for Clinical
Proteomics Big Data Studies ,
Westlake University, Hangzhou, China, 28-29 June 2019.
Limsoon Wong.
Practical advice for bewildered lay analysts .
Lecture for the AI Summer School at AI Singapore ,
24 July 2019.
Limsoon Wong.
Anna Karenina Principle .
Guest Lecture for NUS ISEP GS6883A (Interface Science and Engineering) ,
25 October 2021.
Limsoon Wong.
Anna Karenina Principle .
Guest Lecture for NUS ISEP GS6883A (Interface Science and Engineering) ,
4 April 2022.
Limsoon Wong.
The art and logic of principal component analysis .
Guest Lecture for NUS CS2309 Reseach Methodology ,
18 September 2023.
Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong.
Rule-Based Data Mining Methods for Classification Problems in
Biomedical Domains.
Tutorial given at 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice
of Knowledge Discovery in Databases ,
Pisa, Italy, 20-24 September 2004.
Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong.
Bioinformatics and Machine Learning .
Tutorial talk at 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-05) , Pittsburgh, 9-13 July 2005.
Ken Sung, Limsoon Wong.
Bioinformatics in Practice .
Invited tutorial at 8th International Conference on Discovery Science ,
Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 8 October 2005.
Limsoon Wong.
An Introduction to Knowledge Discovery
Applications and Challenges in Life Sciences .
Invited tutorial at EII PhD Winter School
in Data Mining & Bioinformatics ,
ARC Research Network in Enterprise Information Infrastructure,
Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 13-17 August 2006.
Limsoon Wong.
Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Protein Function Inference .
Tutorial at 5th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2007) ,
Hong Kong, 15-17 January 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
An Introduction to Knowledge Discovery
Applications and Challenges in Life Sciences .
Advanced Seminar at IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE2007) , Istanbul, Turkey, 16-20 April 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Data Mining Techniques for
Protein Function Inference .
Tutorial at 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining (PAKDD 2007) ,
Nanjing, China, 22-25 May 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Manifestation and Exploitation of Invariants in Bioinformatics .
Invited tutorial at 2nd International Conference on
Algebraic Biology (AB2007) ,
Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, 2-4 July 2007.
Limsoon Wong.
Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Data Mining Techniques
for Protein Function Inference .
Invited tutorial at IPM-NUS Workshop on Analysis and Application of Protein Interaction Networks ,
Shahih Behesti University, Tehran, 17-18 November 2008.
Limsoon Wong.
Analysis of Gene Expression and Proteomic Profiles
based on Biological Networks .
Tutorial at 10th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2012) ,
Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 January 2012.
Written notes
Limsoon Wong.
A Logical Introduction to Computational Biology .
NUS School of Computing Summer School 2017 ,
National University of Singapore, 7 August 2017.