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Limsoon's Courses, Tutorials, and Master Classes

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it for himself. ---Galileo Galilei.


  1. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics, 2003.

  2. Limsoon Wong. Techniques and Applications of Sequence Comparison. Lecture at NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics, 27 August 2003.

  3. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics, 2004.

  4. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6103, 2004.

  5. Limsoon Wong. Lectures at NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics, 2004.

  6. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Computation Foundation in Bioinformatics, 2005.

  7. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics, 2005.

  8. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2006.

  9. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NTU School of Computer Engineering BI6106: Algorithms for Bioinformatics, 2006.

  10. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2007.

  11. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2008.

  12. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 28 August 2008.

  13. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2009.

  14. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 27 August 2009.

  15. Limsoon Wong, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2010 (Jan).

  16. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 8 September 2010.

  17. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2010 (Aug).

  18. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2011.

  19. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 9 September 2011.

  20. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis", 2012.

  21. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2012.

  22. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2012.

  23. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 5 September 2012.

  24. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2013.

  25. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis", 2013.

  26. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2013.

  27. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 4 September 2013.

  28. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2014.

  29. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for NUS Graduate School of Integrative and Engineering GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "International Journal Club on Gene Expression Profile Analysis" and Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS6101: Exploration of CS Research, 2014.

  30. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for CS6101: Exploration of CS Research, "Analysis of Gene Expression based on Single-Cell Sequencing", 2014.

  31. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 3 September 2014.

  32. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2015.

  33. Limsoon Wong, Li Xiao Li. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2015.

  34. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 4 September 2015.

  35. Limsoon Wong. Main reading for GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on Cancer Bioinformatics", 2015.

  36. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2016.

  37. Limsoon Wong. Main reading for GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on Cancer Bioinformatics", 2016.

  38. Limsoon Wong, Li Xiao Li. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2016.

  39. Limsoon Wong. Lectures and coordination for NUS School of Computing CS2309: CS Research Methodology, 2016.

  40. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 13 September 2016.

  41. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2017.

  42. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on MS-based Proteomics", 2017.

  43. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2017.

  44. Limsoon Wong. Lectures on "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 29 September 2017.

  45. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2018.

  46. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2018.

  47. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on MS-based Proteomics", 2018 (AY17/18 Sem 2).

  48. Limsoon Wong. Reading list for GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on Big Data and a Bewildered Lay Analyst", 2018 (AY18/19 Sem 1).

  49. Limsoon Wong. Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 11 September 2018.

  50. Limsoon Wong, Niranjan Nagarajan. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2019.

  51. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2019.

  52. Limsoon Wong, Anders Skanderup. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4220: Knowledge Discovery Methods in Bioinformatics, 2020.

  53. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2020.

  54. Limsoon Wong. Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 4 September 2020.

  55. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2021.

  56. Limsoon Wong. GS5002: Academic Professional Skills and Techniques, "Journal Club on Big Data and a Bewildered Lay Analyst", 2021 (AY21/22 Sem 1).

  57. Limsoon Wong. Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 6 September 2021.

  58. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU, 2021.

  59. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2022.

  60. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS6222: Advanced Topics in Computational Biology, 2022.

  61. Limsoon Wong. Lecture for "MCI5004: Molecular Biomarkers in Clinical Research", for the Master of Clinical Investigation Programme, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 6 September 2022.

  62. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU, Jan & Feb 2023.

  63. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS6222: Advanced Topics in Computational Biology, 2023.

  64. Limsoon Wong. GS6883B: Integrative Science and Engineering, "Journal Club on the Reluctant Data Scientist", 2023 (AY23/24 Sem 1).

  65. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4330: Combinatorial Methods in Bioinformatics, 2023.

  66. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU, Jan & Feb 2024.

  67. Limsoon Wong & Somayyeh Koohi. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS2220: Introduction to Computational Biology, 2024.

  68. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for "BS6213: The Reflective Scientist" at NTU, Jan 2025.

  69. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS School of Computing CS4330: Combinatorial Methods in Bioinformatics, 2025.

    Master Classes

  70. Limsoon Wong. From Datamining to Bioinformatics. Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS5228 (Knowledge Discovery & Datamining), October 2002.

  71. Limsoon Wong. Recognition of Gene Features. Invited lecture at NTU BI6103, 20 February 2003.

  72. Limsoon Wong. A Practical Introduction to Bioinformatics. Invited short course at National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 22 May 2004.

  73. Limsoon Wong. Gene Finding and Gene Feature Recognition by Computational Analysis. Invited tutorial at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 21-25 November 2004.

  74. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS-KI Graduate Course on "Bioinformatics for Molecular Medicine & Cell Biology With Advanced Current Topics", National University of Singapore, 18-27 November 2005.

  75. Limsoon Wong. Guilt by Association. Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS6280 (Special Topics in Computer Science on Computational Systems Biology), 1 March 2006.

  76. Limsoon Wong. Knowledge Discovery Techniques for Bioinformatics. Invited short course at Yang Ming National University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-7 June 2006.

  77. Limsoon Wong. Lectures for NUS-KI Graduate Course KI1972 on "Applied Bioinformatics and Computational Biology", Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 10-17 June 2006.

  78. Limsoon Wong. Invariants Underlying Relational Databases & Queries Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2306S (Problem Solving in Computing II), 31 January 2007.

  79. Limsoon Wong. University Scholars Seminar on "Manifestation and Exploitation of Invariants in Bioinformatics", NUS University Scholars Programme, 7 February 2007.

  80. Limsoon Wong. Accurate Recognition of Translation Initiation Sites, Transcription Start Sites, and Polyadenylation Signals in Genomic Sequences. Invited seminar for University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 25 May 2007.

  81. Limsoon Wong. Increasing Confidence of Protein-Protein Interactomes. Invited tutorial at Computational Methods in Biomolecular Structures and Interaction Networks Program, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 13 July 2007.

  82. Limsoon Wong. Fun with invariants . Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2305S (Problem Solving in Computing I), 1 November 2007.

  83. Limsoon Wong. Knowledge Discovery Applications in Bioinformatics . Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS6220 (Advanced Topics in Data Mining), 6 November 2007.

  84. Limsoon Wong. What do gambling, magic, and human evolution have in common?. Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS3108 (Computational Thinking), 2 September 2008.

  85. Limsoon Wong. Adventures of a Logician-Engineer. Guest lecture for Imperial College London Graduate Schools Transferable Skills Programme, NTU Executive Centre, 2 September 2008.

  86. Limsoon Wong. Delivering Reproducible Gene Expression Analysis. Invited lecture for Microarray Workshop on Gene Expression Analysis for Aspiring Clinician Researchers, Clinical Research Centre, NUS, 23 September 2011. (This lecture was cancelled.)

  87. Limsoon Wong. Using biological networks for protein function prediction, biomarker identification, and other problems in computational biology. Invited master class at 2012 International Winter School in Methods in Bioinformatics (WSMBio2012), Tarragona, Spain, 20-24 February 2012.

  88. Limsoon Wong. Large-scale bio and medical data mining. Invited master class at UTS AAI Big Data Summer School, Sydney, Australia, 10 April 2013.

  89. Limsoon Wong. The use of context in gene expression and proteomic profile analysis. Invited master class at 2013 International Summer School on Trends in Computing (SSTiC2013), Tarragona, Spain, 22-26 July 2013.

  90. Limsoon Wong. Disease gene expression and proteomic profile analysis based on regulatory networks and systems. Invited master class at EMS Autumn School on Computational Aspects of Gene Regulation, Bedlewo, Poland, 13-19 October 2013.

  91. Limsoon Wong. Is big necessarily better? Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS5344 (Big Data Analytics Technology), 21 March 2014.

  92. Limsoon Wong. Computing is no more about programming than biology is about test tubes. Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2309 (CS Research Methodology), 9 November 2018.

  93. Limsoon Wong. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Guest lecture for NUS SOC CS2309 (CS Research Methodology), 9 November 2018.

  94. Limsoon Wong. Computer science is no more about programming than biology is about Petri dishes and test tubes. Guest lecture for NUS NGS GSS6886 (NGS Seminars), 30 January 2019.

  95. Limsoon Wong. Practical advice on using AI and machine learning on omics data. Lecture for 1st Westlake-New England Summer School for Clinical Proteomics Big Data Studies, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China, 28-29 June 2019.

  96. Limsoon Wong. Practical advice for bewildered lay analysts. Lecture for the AI Summer School at AI Singapore, 24 July 2019.

  97. Limsoon Wong. Anna Karenina Principle. Guest Lecture for NUS ISEP GS6883A (Interface Science and Engineering), 25 October 2021.

  98. Limsoon Wong. Anna Karenina Principle. Guest Lecture for NUS ISEP GS6883A (Interface Science and Engineering), 4 April 2022.

  99. Limsoon Wong. The art and logic of principal component analysis. Guest Lecture for NUS CS2309 Reseach Methodology, 18 September 2023.


  100. Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong. Rule-Based Data Mining Methods for Classification Problems in Biomedical Domains. Tutorial given at 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Pisa, Italy, 20-24 September 2004.

  101. Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong. Bioinformatics and Machine Learning. Tutorial talk at 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05), Pittsburgh, 9-13 July 2005.

  102. Ken Sung, Limsoon Wong. Bioinformatics in Practice. Invited tutorial at 8th International Conference on Discovery Science, Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 8 October 2005.

  103. Limsoon Wong. An Introduction to Knowledge Discovery Applications and Challenges in Life Sciences. Invited tutorial at EII PhD Winter School in Data Mining & Bioinformatics, ARC Research Network in Enterprise Information Infrastructure, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 13-17 August 2006.

  104. Limsoon Wong. Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Protein Function Inference. Tutorial at 5th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2007), Hong Kong, 15-17 January 2007.

  105. Limsoon Wong. An Introduction to Knowledge Discovery Applications and Challenges in Life Sciences. Advanced Seminar at IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2007), Istanbul, Turkey, 16-20 April 2007.

  106. Limsoon Wong. Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Data Mining Techniques for Protein Function Inference. Tutorial at 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2007) , Nanjing, China, 22-25 May 2007.

  107. Limsoon Wong. Manifestation and Exploitation of Invariants in Bioinformatics. Invited tutorial at 2nd International Conference on Algebraic Biology (AB2007), Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, 2-4 July 2007.

  108. Limsoon Wong. Guilt by Association: A Tutorial on Data Mining Techniques for Protein Function Inference. Invited tutorial at IPM-NUS Workshop on Analysis and Application of Protein Interaction Networks, Shahih Behesti University, Tehran, 17-18 November 2008.

  109. Limsoon Wong. Analysis of Gene Expression and Proteomic Profiles based on Biological Networks. Tutorial at 10th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2012), Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 January 2012. Written notes

  110. Limsoon Wong. A Logical Introduction to Computational Biology. NUS School of Computing Summer School 2017, National University of Singapore, 7 August 2017.