ESSNet v1.3 =========== ABOUT US ESSNet is developed in the School of Computing National University of Singapore Supervisor: Prof. Wong Limsoon Developer: Kevin Lim REFERENCE Kevin Lim, Zhenhua Li, Kwok Pui Choi, Limsoon Wong. "A quantum leap in the reproducibility, precision, and sensitivity of gene expression profile analysis even when sample size is extremely small". Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 13(4):???, August 2015. DOWNLOAD ESSNet v1.3 is available for the R platform and requires the following dependencies: Java 7 SDK [] Aparche Ant [] R Statistical Software [] ::requires(igraph, rJava) Recommended at least 1GB of RAM INSTRUCTIONS Please read the instructions below carefully, on how to load and use ESSNet. 1/ Install pre-requisites Instructions for installing java, ant and R can be found in their respective websites. 2/ Load the ESSNet package into R Unzip the file essnet_1.2.tar.gz to a specific folder. In a terminal change directory to the specified folder and paste the following command: >> R CMD install essnet 3/ Usage Start R or RStudio, depending on your preference of a command line tool or graphical interface. Load the library using the following command: >>install.packages(igraph) >>install.packages(rJava) >>library(essnet) >>library(igraph) >> library(rJava) Examples: #run essnet to find the subnetworks upregulated in class1 >>results <- essnet("./class1.txt","./class2.txt","./pathway.txt") #run essnet to find the subnetworks upregulated in class2 >>results <- essnet("./class2.txt","./class1.txt","./pathway.txt") #plot the first subnetwork >>tkplot(results[[1]]) #show the p-value >>results[[1]]$p.value #other options #weighted version >>results <- essnet("./class1.txt","./class2.txt","./pathway.txt",weighted=TRUE) #generate p-values by rotation test >>results <- essnet("./class1.txt","./class2.txt","./pathway.txt",rot=TRUE) ############################################################################# where: class1.txt and class2.txt are tab delimited files representing a matrix of values: rows represent the genes and columns represent the samples, the first column denote the geneids. pathway.txt is a tab delimited file, each row having the following format: [pathwayid] [TAB] [geneid1] [TAB] [geneid2] note that the geneids should match in the gene expression files and pathway file.