Enabling More Sophisticated Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles for Understanding Diseases and Optimizing Treatments

Participants: Abha Belorkar, Difeng Dong, Donny Soh, Jingjing Jin, Chuan Hock Koh, Kevin Lim, Limsoon Wong


We survey the progress in the analysis of gene expression profiling data for the purposes of disease subtype diagnosis, new subtype discovery, and understanding of diseases and treatment responses. We find existing works fall short on several issues: these works provide little information on the interplay between selected genes and proteins; the collection of pathways that can be used, evaluated, and ranked against the observed expression data is limited; and a comprehensive set of rules for reasoning about relevant molecular events has not been compiled and formalized.


We thus envision an advanced integrated framework, and are developing a system based on it, to provide biologically inspired solutions. It comprises:

Selected Publications


Selected Presentations


This project is supported in part by NUS ARF grant R-252-050-238-101/133 (Wong: 11/05 - 11/08), NUS URC grant R-252-000-274-112 (Wong: 10/06 - 09/09, Dong: 12/08 - 09/09), SERC PSF grant 072 101 0016 (Wong: 8/07 - 7/10, Soh: 1/09 - 12/09), NRF CRP grant NRF-G-CRP-2997-04-082(d) (Wong: 4/08 - 3/13, Dong: 10/09 - 12/10), MOE Tier-2 grant MOE2009-T2-2-004 (Wong, Goh, Jin: 4/10 - 3/13), an NUS NGS scholarship (Koh: 09/08 - 08/12), and an A*STAR AIP scholarship (Soh: 12/04 - 12/08).

Last updated: 12/6/2018, Limsoon Wong.