RecoverFI (Within the package ===================================== This program lets you recover the frequent itemsets given a list of generators and their negative or positive borders. Usage: RecoverFI \ generator_filename border_filename \ fullitem_filename [output_filename] Parameters: generator_filename: the file name of the file containing frequent generators border_filename: the file name of the file containing positive borders or negative borders fullitem_filename: The RecoverFI program uses this parameter to decide the type of borders. For positive border based representation, set it to "NULL" or "null". For negative border based representation, set it to the file name of the file containing those items that appear in every transaction (This file is generated by program GrGrowth-NBd along with generators and negative borders.). Pattern file format: (generator_file border_file) Each line represent a generator or an itemset on positive/negative border. The first integer is the length of the pattern, followed by the set of items contained in the pattern. The last number is the support of the pattern. Credits: This program was written by Guimei Liu. The project was partially supported by the I2R-SOC Joint Lab on Knowledge Discovery and by FRC grant "R-252-040-238-101 & R-252-060-238-133: Pattern Spaces: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications". If you use this software, please cite: Guimei Liu, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong, Wynne Hsu. Positive Borders or Negative Borders: How to Make Generator-Based Lossless Representation Concise. Proceedings of SIAM Conference on Data Mining, pages 469--473, Bethesda, Maryland, April 2006. and Guimei Liu, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong. A New Concise Representation of Frequent Itemsets Using Generators and a Positive Border. Submitted to KAIS, May 2007.