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A CPL2Perl Example: MkGif

Let $SPEC be of type {(#actor: string, #interaction: string, #patient: string)}.

Build a module MkGif that converts it into a directed graph specification and invokes Graphviz to lay it out.

use cpl2perl;
$a = CPLIO->Open1 ("$SPEC");
open (DOT, "| ./dot -Tgif  > $GIF");
print DOT "digraph aGraph {\n";
while (1) {
 $rec = $a->LazyRead; last if ($rec eq "");
 $start = $rec->Project ("actor");
 $end = $rec->Project ("patient");
 $type = $rec->Project ("interaction");
 if ($type eq "inhibit") {
   $edgecolor = "red"; }
 else {
   $edgecolor = "green"; }
 $edge = "[color = $edgecolor]";
 print DOT " $start-> $end $edge;\n"; }
print DOT "};\n";
close (DOT);

Wong Lim Soon