source | type | location | remarks |
GDB | Sybase | Baltimore | flat tables |
SQL-based joins | |||
cytogenetic bands info | |||
Entrez | ASN.1 | Bethesda | nested tables |
keyword and links | |||
seq and homolog info |
sybase-add (#name:"gdb", ...); readfile locus from "locus_cyto_location" using gdb; readfile eref from "object_genbank_eref" using gdb; {(#accn: g.#genbank_ref, #nonhuman-homologs: H) | \c <- locus, c.#chrom_num = "22", \g <- eref, g.#object_id = c.#locus_id, \H == { u | \u <- na-get-homolog-summary(g.#genbank_ref), not(u.#title string-islike "%Human%"), not(u.#title string-islike "%H.sapien%")}, not (H = { })}