Current Modules
These are the modules that I am teaching currently:

The module lays the theoretical foundation for graduate students to do research in multimedia: images, videos, audio, speech, graphics, etc. The module covers the main theoretical issues common to various multimedia research. These issues provide a general framework within which specific techniques in particular research areas can be understood. |
 Computational thinking (CT) is an important 21st century skill and a fundamental method for solving complex problems. CT involves problem formulation, abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition, and algorithm design. This module emphasizes the thinking process, and the communication and substantiation of the process, rather than focusing on coding. Students learn to apply CT to understand and solve everyday problems within an across disciples. Students learn to leverage on CT to ask new questions, to formulate new problems, and develop new solutions. |
Previous Modules
These are the modules that I have taught previously:

This module aims at providing students with technical skills and hands-on experience of user interface development. It focuses on the design and implementation of user interfaces in general, including graphical user interface. It covers essential topics including user interface models, psychology of humans and computers, user interface style, layout guidelins, GUI programming with widget toolkits, interaction models, event handling, multithreading, interacting with multimedia hardware, usability testing. Selected advanced topics such as geometric transformation, and 3D user interfaces, multiple-user interaction and real-time interaction are also covered.

This module investiagets methods for computers to understand and interpret the contents of images and videos. It aims at teaching the basic concepts underlying various computer vision techniques and the application of current techniques for problem solving.
 This module introduces the main stages in the production of a special effects video, and teaches computer vision and graphics techniques that are useful for creating special effects in digital video. It allows the students to explore their creativity while extending their skills in computer vision and graphics by producing a special effects video.

This module aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of the main approaches in multimedia (image, video, graphics) analysis. Three main themes are covered: (1) representation and modeling of multimedia entities using various modeling approaches, (2) matching of a model with an input entity, and (3) derivation of a model from sample entities. |
6 Aug 2020