| |
Education |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, June 1997
Received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and
Engineering (Minor in Economics) and a Master of Engineering
in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, June 2006
Ph.D. in Computer Science in June 2006 under the supervision
of Professor Barbara Liskov
(2009 ACM Turing Award winner). Thesis entitled “New
Techniques for Geographic Routing.” Completed Financial
Technology Option, a Certificate Program in Financial
Engineering at the MIT Sloan School of Business in February
Professional Experience |
National University of Singapore
Singapore, September 2001 - present
Appointed as a Senior Tutor in 2001. Appointed as Assistant
Professor in July 2006. Promoted to Associate Professor with
tenure in Jan 2015. Appointed as Director,
Centre for
Computing for Social Good and Philanthropy in Mar 2021.
AI.SG, Singapore's National AI Programme
Singapore, Jan 2020 - present
Appointed as Chief Data Officer in Jan 2020 and appointed Director,
AI Centre for
Educational Technologies on Jan 2021.
Ministry of Education, Singapore
Singapore, July 2014 - Jun 2019
Served as Director, Experimental Systems & Technology
Laboratory (ESTL) and oversaw the development of the
Student Learning Space (SLS), that was successfully launched
in Jun 2018. ESTL was a 20-man in-house software
engineering team within MOE.
The Center for Excellence in Education/Fudan University
Shanghai, China, Summer 2006
Assistant Director of the
Research Science
Institute-Fudan 2006, a six-week research summer camp,
held in Fudan University, Shanghai.
MIT Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Cambridge, MA, 2001 - 2006
Full-time graduate student in the Ph.D. program in Computer
Teaching Assistant for 6.829 (Computer Networks) and 6.170
(Laboratory in Software Engineering).
PSC Secretariat, PSD, Prime Minister’s
Office Singapore, May 1999 - August 2001
Held appointments of Assistant Director (Discipline) and
Assistant Director (Legal Service). Job scope included the
formulation of policies relating to Civil Service Discipline
matters and the human resource management for the Singapore
Legal Service.
Singapore Armed Forces School of
Singapore, January 1998 - May 1999
Awarded Sword of Honour and Signal Formation
Letter of Commendation. Held the appointment of
Communications Engineering Team Leader, SAF School of
Signals during fulltime national service.
The Center for Excellence in Education
Cambridge, MA, Summer 1995
Served as a Tutor for the
Research Science Institute, a six-week research summer
camp, held at MIT.
Raffles Junior College
Singapore, Summer 1994
Taught Physics as a relief teacher for six weeks.
Honours |
National University of Singapore
- Faculty Digital Education Award 2021
NUS Outstanding Educator Award 2015
- ATEA Honour Roll 2011
- NUS Annual Teaching
Excellence Award (ATEA) AY2009/2010
- School of Computing Faculty Teaching
Excellence Award Honour Roll AY2009/2010
- Faculty Teaching
Excellence Award AY2009/2010
- 2009 ComSoc & Information Theory
Society Joint Paper Award
- NUS Annual Teaching
Excellence Award (ATEA) AY2008/2009
- Faculty Teaching
Excellence Award AY2008/2009
- NUS Annual Teaching
Excellence Award (ATEA) AY2007/2008
- Faculty Teaching
Excellence Award AY2007/2008
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(1993-1997, 2001-2006) Cambridge, MA
Pre-MIT (January to September 1993) Singapore
- Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics
and Science
- Public Service Commission Overseas
Merit Scholarship (Open)
Awarded |
- PI, "Active and Passive
Monitoring of Realtime Internet and 5G Evolution" (A-8001470-00-00),
3-year MOE Tier-2 grant (Jul 2023 to Jun 2026): $444,145.
- PI, "AI Centre for Education
Technologies", 2-year AI Singapore Technology Challenge
Grant (Jul 2023 to Jun 2025): $4.46 million.
- PI, "A Buffer-Regulation-Based Approach
to Achieving Low-Latency TCP" (R-252-000-B22-114),
3-year FRC grant (Mar
2020 to Mar 2023): $130,000.
- Co-PI, "Leveraging Data-Plane
Programmability for Scalable & Resilient Network
Services," 2-year MOE Tier-2 (Jul 2020 to Jun 2023):
- Co-PI, "Towards High-Fidelity Datacenter
Network Monitoring with Programmable Dataplanes",
3-year FRC grant (March
2018 to Feb 2021): $53,400.
- PI, Outstanding Educator Award Grant
(C-252-000-122-471) 3-year grant (Jun 2015-May 2018):
- PI, "Teaching Introductory Programming on
a Massive Scale" (C-252-000-104-511), 2-year LIFT grant
(Oct 2013 to Jun 2015): $70,000.
- PI, "Towards Mobile Aerial Meshes for Interactive
(R-252-000-498-112), 3-year FRC grant (January
2013 to Dec 2015): $123,830.
- PI, "Accessible Fault-Tolerant Computing
on Commercial Hardware"
(R-252-000-472-133/R-252-000-472-232), 18-month JPP grant (January
2012 to June 2013): $49,800.
- PI, "OpenNAT: Enabling Universal
Connectivity in an Increasingly Heterogeneous World"
(R-252-000-440-112), 2-year FRC grant (Jan 2011-Dec 2012):
- PI, "Application of Game Mechanics to
Improve Student Engagement" (C-252-000-090-001). 1-year Teaching Enhancement Grant
(Sep 2010-Aug 2011):
- PI, "Achieving High-Bandwidth
Peer-to-Peer Data Transfers with Network Coding and the
Right Incentives in Heterogeneous Networking
(R-252-000-348-112), 3-year MOE Tier-2 grant (Apr 2008-Mar 2011):
- PI, "Deployment and Evaluation of an
Unplanned 802.11x Wireless Mesh Network"
(R-252-000-311-112), 2-year FRC grant (Sep 2007-Aug 2009): $102,000.
- PI, "Hydra: A Peer-to-Peer Architecture
for Massively Multiplayer Online Games"
(R-252-050-281-101/R-252-050-281-133), 2-year startup grant
(Jan 2007-Dec 2008): $154,314.
Professional Service |
- IAL InnovSpur Run 3 Evaluation Panel,
Member (Apr 2024)
- 30RFP Recommending Panel, Member (Jan
- MOE AIEd Capability Building Task
Force, Member (Jul 2022-Dec 2023)
- SNDGO Defence Technology Scheme (DTS)
Review Committee, Member (Jan 2020-Dec 2024)
- MND Scientific Panel, Member (Sep 2018-May
- IMDA Services & Digital Economy
Technology Roadmap Workgroup 1 (Future Communications &
Internet-of-Things), Member (Jul 2018-Feb 2019)
- The Institution of Engineers,
Singapore (IES), Infocomm Technology Technical
Committee, Member (2017-present)
- Sub-Committee on Future Corporate
Capabilities and Innovation (under the Committee on the
Future Economy (CFE)), Member (Feb 2016-Feb 2017)
Consulting Work:
- Economic Development Board, Consultant (May 2020-Apr 2021)
- SMRT Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
Advisory Panel, Member (Sep 2017-Aug 2018)
Volunteer Work/Community Service:
- Lions Befrienders Service Association
(Singapore), Panel of Expert Advisors, member (Aug
2022-Jul 2024)
Ministry of Education (2014-2019):
- Edulab Evaluation Panel 1B, Member
(Mar 2017-Jun 2018)
- MOE IT Masterplan 4 (mp4) Executive
Committee, Member (May 2015-Jun 2019)
- Science Centre Steering Committee,
Programming Sub-Committee, Member (Dec 2014-Sep 2017)
NUS School of Computing:
- CS Department Standing Teaching
Committee, Member (Jul 2020-present)
- CS Department Standing Teaching
Committee, Chairman (Aug 2017-Jun 2020)
- Singapore Science & Engineering Fair
(SSEF), Judge (2012-present)
- CS Department Ad Hoc Teaching
Committee, Chairman (Aug 2015-Jul 2017)
- NUS IT-enhanced Education Task Force,
member (Oct 2012-Dec 2017)
- A*STAR SERC Futurescape 2025 Panel on
Semantic Web of Everything, Member (Apr 2014-Sep
- NUS LIFT Grant Assessment Panel,
member (Nov 2012-Dec 2014)
- iDA Talent Attraction and Development
Committee, member (May 2012-Apr 2014)
- School of Computing (SoC) Faculty Teaching Evaluation
Committee (FTEC), Member (Aug 2011-Jul 2013)
- CS Department Ad Hoc Teaching
Committee, Member (Oct 2010-Dec 2012)
- SoC Computer Science EXCO, Junior
Faculty Representative (Oct 2008 - Jun 2011)
- ACM ICPC 2008, Member of Organizing
- SoC JC Outreach Task Force 2006-2007,
- National Informatics Olympiad (NOI),
Member of Scientific Committee, 2007-2009
- IDA iWhiz Reality Show 2007, Guest Judge
Computing for
Volunteer Welfare Organizations, Faculty Advisor
(Jun 2007-present)
Academic Service:
TPC member, 32th IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2024)
TPC member, ACM Special Interest
Group on Data Communication 2024 (SIGCOMM 2024)
TPC member, IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2024)
- TPC member, 21st USENIX Symposium on
Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2024)
- TPC member,
ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2023 (IMC 2023)
TPC member, 31th IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2023)
TPC member, 30th IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2022)
- TPC member, 29th IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2021)
TPC member, 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet
TPC member, 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
(HotNets 2020)
TPC member, 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education (SIGCSE 2018)
TPC member, 14th Annual IEEE Communications
Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2017)
TPC member, 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education (SIGCSE 2017)
- TPC member, 11th International
Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and
Technologies (CoNEXT 2015)
- TPC member, 22nd IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2014)
- TPC Co-Chair, IEEE 9th International
Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and
Information Processing (ISSNIP 2014), Symposium on
Sustainable and Adaptive Sensor Networks
- TPC member, 11th Annual IEEE Communications
Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2014)
- General Chair & TPC member, 4th ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on
Systems (APSys 2013)
- TPC member, 10th Annual IEEE Communications
Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2013)
- TPC member,
11th Annual Workshop on Network and System
Support for Games (NetGames 2012)
- Vice General Chair, 3rd ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on
Systems (APSys 2012)
- TPC member, 9th Annual IEEE Communications
Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2012)
TPC member, 32nd IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2012)
- Poster Co-Chair & TPC member, 19th IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP 2011)
- TPC member, 8th Annual IEEE Communications
Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2011)
TPC member, 1st ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on
Systems (APSys 2010)
- TPC member, 8th Annual Workshop on Network and System
Support for Games (NetGames 2009)
- TPC member, 23rd IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA 2009)
- TPC member, ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop 2008
- TPC member, Workshop on Massively Multiuser
Virtual Environment (MMVE2008)
- TPC member, 22nd IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA
- TPC member, IEEE Consumer Communications and
Networking Conference (CCNC) 2008
- TPC member, Globecomm General Symposium (Globecomm)
2007, P2P Track
Served as Reviewer:
- IEEE/ACM Transactions for Networking
- IEEE Communication Letters
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
- IEEE Software
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless
- IEEE Transactions on Computers
- IEEE Transactions for Parallel and
Distributed Systems
- IEEE Transactions for Vehicular
- Communications of the ACM (CACM)
- SIGCOMM Computer Communications
Review (CCR)
- Computer Networks
Membership |
- Member, IEEE
- Member, USENIX
- Member, ACM
Curriculum Vitae [ pdf ] |