CS 2104 - Programming Language Concepts

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Each tutorial is one hour.

It is strongly recommended to attend, to actively participate at the tutorials. Good luck!


Tutorials serve several purposes:

Tutorials are designed to be a time saver for you! Actively attending the tutorials will make the course easier to follow for you and will give you a head start for the assignments. The exercises used there will be very similar in style to what will be asked of you during the exam.


Tutorial 1:

Exercises: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]

Tutorial 2:

Exercises: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 3:

Exercises: [ PDF]


Tutorials 1,2 and 3:

Answers: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 4:

Exercises: [ PDF]


Tutorial 5:

Exercises: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 6:

Exercises: [ PDF]


Tutorial 7:

Exercises: [ PDF]


Tutorials 4,6 and 7:

Answers: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 9:

Exercises: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 9:

Answers: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 10:

Exercises: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]


Tutorial 10:

Answers: [ PDF, PDF(2-in-1)]