Interface CompilerCookie

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CompilerCookie.Build, CompilerCookie.Clean, CompilerCookie.Compile
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CompilerCookie
extends Node.Cookie

Provides ability for an object to be compiled. A method is provided for testing what recursive depth (into subfolders) of compilation is supported, and then a set of inner classes for variant compilation tasks such as compile, build, and clean tasks. Also permits adding of the compiler to a compiler job.

Inner Class Summary
static interface CompilerCookie.Build
          A cookie for unconditional compilation.
static interface CompilerCookie.Clean
          A cookie for cleaning before compilation.
static interface CompilerCookie.Compile
          A cookie for conditional compilation.
Method Summary
 void addToJob(CompilerJob job, Compiler.Depth depth)
          Allows the cookie to add its compiler(s) into a compiler job.
 boolean isDepthSupported(Compiler.Depth depth)
          Tests whether a specified depth is supported.

Method Detail


public boolean isDepthSupported(Compiler.Depth depth)
Tests whether a specified depth is supported.
depth - the depth to test
true if this cookie supports such depth


public void addToJob(CompilerJob job,
                     Compiler.Depth depth)
Allows the cookie to add its compiler(s) into a compiler job. The depth parameter specifies whether or not the cookie should continue with its children. If the Compiler.Depth#isLastDepth is true then no children should be processed. Otherwise process the children with a new depth obtained by calling Compiler.Depth#nextDepth.
job - the compiler job to add the compiler for this cookie to
depth - the depth to use for compilation

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.