

The basic management of the Explorer resides in org.openide.explorer. Classes pertaining to the Property Sheet (which displays properties of explored nodes) may be found in org.openide.explorer.propertysheet. A set of standard Explorer Views is available in org.openide.explorer.view.


Explorer API

Overview of the Explorer

The Explorer is the name NetBeans uses to refer to a specific UI component, a treelike view of data, settings, and other objects present in the IDE, which may be opened with the "Open Explorer" action (among others). However, the Explorer API deals not only with this particular UI component, but with other components that use the same underlying mechanisms to display things - and the things displayed are actually nodes.

The Explorer and nodes

The Explorer is solely a user-interface device: it has no particular knowledge of the structure of the IDE. Rather, it provides the physical user interface for the Node hierarchy, as described in the Nodes API.

A given Explorer instance will be some visual component (such as a Swing panel) displaying some representation of a subtree of the complete Node hierarchy; the topmost node being displayed is said to be the root of the Explorer. Be careful not to confuse the root of a particular Explorer instance, which is selected according to what the user wishes to see, with the root(s) of the entire Node hierarchy, which generally are fixed.

Explorer views

The Explorer window that pops up when "Open Explorer" is selected, and that is usually used by users wishing to look at some arbitrary part of the system, is actually only one possible view of the Node hierarchy - it provides a particular way of displaying and working with the nodes.

However, the Explorer API is also used for other visual components whose basic structure is derived from the structure of nodes, but for which the treelike view in the normal Explorer is inappropriate. For example, when a new object is to be created from template (by clicking on the toolbar "New"), a dialog window pops up asking the user to select a template. This window is actually a special view that only displays one parent at a time, and displays the children as icons. In fact, the popup menu obtained by right-clicking on a package ("New from Template...") is really an Explorer view too!

The API permits you to use the prebuilt views, and also to create your own if you need to.

Using the Explorer

It is rather easy to use the Explorer API to just display an Explorer window of some type, browsing some set of nodes.

Displaying a new Explorer window

Probably the easiest way to pop up an Explorer window is just to call TopManager.NodeOperation.explore(...). This will simply show a node and its subtree (if any) in a new window using the normal tree-style Explorer view. It does not permit any customization of the UI, however - it creates a standard window with the usual buttons, etc.

If you want to use a special view, it is first necessary to understand the structure of a live Explorer instance:

  1. There is a topmost container, an AWT/Swing container component of any sort, which must implement ExplorerManager.Provider. This topmost container does not really do anything; it just makes sure that an ExplorerManager can be found by its children. Most likely you can always just use ExplorerPanel, which does nothing in particular except provide the ability to hold one or more Explorer views, and add whatever displayable components you like to it (treat it as a frame).
  2. The ExplorerManager itself handles the control of the Explorer view or views it is attached to. It provides the external interface by which the selection of nodes, e.g., can be examined or set, and permits multiple views to be synchronized. ExplorerPanel can create a manager for you.
  3. Usually, an ExplorerActions object will be attached to the manager to make sure that such things as cut/copy/paste actions are correctly enabled or disabled according to the current node selection. Typically, the topmost component will attach these actions to the manager when it is activated or otherwise given focus (and detach them when not). ExplorerPanel does this for you.
  4. Most importantly, the Explorer views themselves are added as (possibly indirect) children to the topmost component. You do not need to do anything special to connect the views to the manager or to one another; this is automatic provided they are added to a container which directly or indirectly implements ExplorerManager.Provider. This manager should then be used for all interactions with the views.
  5. The whole frame or other UI apparatus may have various buttons, etc. on it - there is no problem with adding non-view components to the same container. Typically such buttons will perform editing actions, e.g., on the nodes represented by the contained Explorer view; the top container is of course responsible for handling the events provided by any such components, just calling methods on the manager. For example, the standard Explorer window has buttons to cut/copy/paste/delete nodes, and to toggle display of the Property Sheet.
So, for most purposes it is possible to create a custom UI component using Explorer views by starting with an ExplorerPanel; setting its layout if necessary; adding one or more Explorer views in some configuration; adding other miscellaneous components if needed; any preconfiguring the manager, for example by giving it a particular root node to explore, according to the application's needs.

The package org.openide.explorer.view contains a number of prebuilt views which you may use. Of special note are the BeanTreeView, which is the standard tree view used to implement the Explorer window proper; and MenuView, which is of interest because it actually implements a view using popup menus, rather than a static display. The best way to familiarize yourself with the standard views, and to test any custom view you might build, is probably to create an ExplorerPanel which adds some or all of them; the views will be automatically synchronized, which will be helpful in understanding how they behave.

Displaying a property sheet

Adding a Property Sheet (which just shows the properties of the selected node(s), and may allow editing of those properties) is quite easy - all you need to do is to add a PropertySheetView to the container. It is an Explorer view which does not actually display any nodes, but rather displays a list of properties for the node or nodes which are selected according to a manager.

Since views by default will share the same manager if they are added to the same manager-providing container, just adding a regular Explorer view and a property sheet to the same container will result in the property sheet being sensitive to the node selection in the regular view, which is usually the desired effect.

Aspects of nodes affecting the Explorer

Particular Explorer views are of course free to display the node hierarchy any way they wish; however, there are a few common aspects of the represented nodes which are likely to be visually mirrored:

Customizing the Explorer

It is possible to customize how the Explorer works for specialized purposes.

Creating a new Explorer view

Anyone may create a new Explorer view and use it for special purposes with a custom UI, to provide an alternate representation of nodes suited to some particular application. For example, you may require that your view only display a root node of a certain class which has added behaviors used in display. As a rule, it is preferable to add special functionality directly to the node if that is possible, and to use a special Explorer view only when a truly different means of display is required.

An Explorer view may be any visual component; it need not implement any particular interface, etc. However, the convention is that it keep track of the Explorer manager that controls it; this manager should be located when it is added to a parent component, by calling ExplorerManager.find(...), and then use that manager's properties to control it; the view should also stop consulting the manager when the component is removed from its parent.

The view will want to use a property change listener to keep track of what the manager expects it to do; possibly it could also veto certain changes.

Other than these requirements, nearly any visual representation is possible, and so the API does not specify any more than this.

Subclassing the tree views

The abstract base class TreeView may be used to create a specialized view based on the normal visual metaphor of an expandable tree of nodes being explored. Many customizations to it may be done by modifying the model it uses to determine which nodes are to be displayed. Or, one of its implementations may be fine-tuned: BeanTreeView provides the usual Explorer view; ContextTreeView provides something similar but only displaying non-leaf nodes (which may be useful as one panel of a multi-paned UI setup, also including a list view pane).

Customizing property editors

The core implementation provides a set of property editors for common types of properties. These editors implement the org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.ExPropertyEditor interface. It allows passing custom values to the property editor instances. This can be useful for customizing the property editors appearance.

You may want to customize the property editor behavior in different situations:

When creating a new bean

The properties can be passed to BeanInfo. They are propagated through BeanNode to the property editor. For example if you have a java.io.File property in your bean you can use this in the BeanInfo:
// assuming you have this line generated by the ide in the BeanInfo class
properties[PROPERTY_testFile] = new PropertyDescriptor ( "testFile", TestBean.class, "getTestFile", "setTestFile" );
// or alternatively if you return your own array of PropertyDescriptors for
// your bean apply it to the appropriate PropertyDescriptor

// you can add a custom parameter to the PropertyDescriptor
properties[PROPERTY_testFile].setValue("files", Boolean.FALSE);
// (the property editor will not allow selecting files)

When creating a new node

You can directly pass the custom parameters to the properties. One example is when overriding method createSheet - you can use the property there. Or anywhere where you have access to the org.openide.nodes.Node.Property value of the property edited by the property editor.
    protected Sheet createSheet() {
        Sheet s = Sheet.createDefault();
        try {
            PropertySupport.ReadWrite p = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite (
                    "myDirectory", // NOI18N
                    getString ("PROP_directory"),
                    getString ("HINT_directory")
                ) {
                    public Object getValue () {
                        return <get the value from somewhere>

                    public void setValue (Object o) {
                        <do something with the value>
            p.setValue("files", Boolean.FALSE); // passing the custom property value here
            s.get (Sheet.PROPERTIES).put(p);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            TopManager.getDefault().getErrorManager ().notify (ex);
        return s;

When using a PropertyPanel

If you use property panel for displaying the property value you can pass the custom parameters while constructing the model for the property:
        // t is a bean with methods getMyFile() and setMyFile(File)
        DefaultPropertyModel model = new DefaultPropertyModel(t, "myFile");
        model.getFeatureDescriptor().setValue("files", Boolean.FALSE);
        PropertyPanel c = new PropertyPanel(model, PropertyPanel.PREF_CUSTOM_EDITOR);
        getContentPane().add(c); // or whatever with c

When do you want to disable/enable OK when displaying custom property editor

If you property editor supplies a custom property editor the IDE will display the custom editor in separate window with OK, Cancel buttons. If you want to enable/disable the OK button you can fire from your property editor (NOTE: from the property editor, not from the custom property editor)
firePropertyChange (ExPropertyEditor.PROP_VALUE_VALID, null, Boolean.TRUE);
You can fire this change even if you property editor does not implement the ExPropertyEditor interface. The OK button should be enabled/disabled accordingly.

Custom parameters in core editors

Following table presents all property editors in core that can be used with the mechanism of passing named properties. If you pass a property that is not supported in the editor (or if you pass wrong argument type) the custom parameter is ignored.

Property type Parameter name Parameter type Description
java.io.File directories Boolean should directories be selectable as values for the property
files Boolean should files be selectable as values for the property
filter javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter, java.io.FileFilter, java.io.FilenameFilter the value can be of any of the supported types and represents filter for the file dialog
currentDir java.io.File the dir that should be preselected when displaying the dialog
baseDir java.io.File an absolute directory which can be used as a base against which relative filenames should be interpreted. Incoming relative paths may be resolved against this base directory when e.g. opening a file chooser, as with the two-argument File constructors. Outgoing paths which can be expressed relative to this base directory may be relativized, according to the discretion of the implementation; currently files selected in the file chooser which are under the base directory (including the base directory itself) will be relativized, while others will be left absolute. The empty abstract pathname (new File("")) is used to represent the base directory itself.
org.openide.ServiceType createNew Boolean if set to true new instances of the services are created as values, default is false
superClass java.lang.Class parent class of the service displayed in custom property editor, if not set org.openide.ServiceType is used
noneServiceClass org.openide.ServiceType service representing no service
org.openide.loaders.DataObject currentFolder org.openide.loaders.DataFolder selected data object right after displaying the component
rootFolder org.openide.loaders.DataFolder root folder of displayed tree
rootNode org.openide.nodes.Node root Node of displayed tree, when not specified the filesystems repository root node is used instead
cookies Class[] allows you to filter DataObjects based on presence of specified cookies.
dataFilter org.openide.loaders.DataFilter displays data objects filtered by this filter
folderFilter org.openide.loaders.DataFilter should filter displayed folders
nodeAcceptor org.openide.nodes.NodeAcceptor filters displayed nodes by supplied acceptor
label String label of the tree component
title String title of the dialog if used as dialog
inset Integer width of border around the tree component
java.lang.Object superClass java.lang.Class Should contain superclass that the value in this property is allowed to be
nullValue Boolean, String Either Boolean.TRUE or a String, in such case the string represents human readable name of the null value
node org.openide.nodes.Node A node to display as root of the custom editor
lookup org.openide.util.Lookup A lookup to use to query for results.

Custom parameters that are not tied with particular editor

These custom parameters affect the display provided by the core implementation. They can be used with any property, they are not bound to one editor.

Affected part Parameter name Parameter type Description
property sheet canEditAsText java.lang.Boolean useful especially when passing value Boolean.FALSE - in this case disable the possibility of editing the the value as text but allows getAsText to return non null
custom property editor display title java.lang.String title of the custom property dialog, must be passed to the component itself (e.g. panel.putClientProperty("title", "New custom title.");)
property sheet longerDisplayName java.lang.String title for the property sheet, must be passed to the bean descriptor (or node)

Other available property editors

The IDE includes a number of property editors in its default property editor search path. Module authors will sometimes want to make use of the fact that such an editor exists when creating JavaBean-related code; most commonly, this means that node properties and system options may declare a property to be of a certain type without explicitly specifying a property editor for it, and rely on the search path to provide a usable property editor so that the UI will function pleasantly.

These editors are in a private package outside of the org.openide hierarchy, so module authors should not attempt to instantiate or otherwise customize them directly. It is possible that NetBeans may decide to remove some such editors if that is necessary for some reason; if this happens, existing module code should not break (as there are no direct references to the deleted classes), but rather properties of that type will cease to be conveniently editable by the user (system options will still be restored from disk correctly, however). If this happens, the module author will need to provide an appropriate editor for the module to be fully functional again. For properties which are critical to a module's operation and must be edited for basic functionality to work, module authors will likely want to provide their own editors to begin with.

A few of these editors are for classes in the Open API packages; in such cases, the documentation for the class in question will mention that there is a property editor available. Also, the following Java platform classes currently have special NetBeans property editors which may be used via the default search path:

Beware that some of these editors may not provide the ability to edit the full range of values of the corresponding data type, as they may be specialized for the NetBeans environment.

A number of other editors and property editor extensions are available in the package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.editors, but these are likely to be deprecated soon; modules are encouraged to instead rely solely on the default editor search path, and to add needed configuration parameters to their Node.Propertys or PropertyDescriptors so as to be accessible from PropertyEnv as used by smart property editors.

UML Diagrams

General structure class diagram

general UML

Property sheet class diagram

property sheet UML

Property views class diagram

property views UML

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.