Package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet

The exact properties of a node may be displayed and edited with the Property Sheet.


Interface Summary
ExPropertyEditor An extension interface for property editors that hides all the necessary communication with the IDE.
ExPropertyModel An extension to the PropertyModel interface that allows the property to supply information for ExPropertyEditor.
PropertyModel Model defining the right behaviour of property.

Class Summary
DefaultPropertyModel The default implementation of PropertyModel interface.
PropertyEnv Instance of this class contains information that is being passed to the property editor (instance of ExtendedPropertyEditor) from the IDE.
PropertyPanel Visual Java Bean for editing of properties.
PropertySheet Implements a "property sheet" for a set of selected beans.
PropertySheetSettings Settings for the property sheet.
PropertySheetView An Explorer view displaying a property sheet.

Package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet Description

The exact properties of a node may be displayed and edited with the Property Sheet. The Explorer API describes how to embed a property sheet in a custom container, or use pieces of its implementation.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.