Uses of Class

Packages that use FileSystemCapability
org.openide.execution The IDE uses a small interface to describe the execution of Java-based classes together with arguments. 
org.openide.filesystems The IDE internally uses the concept of a virtual filesystem

Uses of FileSystemCapability in org.openide.execution

Methods in org.openide.execution with parameters of type FileSystemCapability
static NbClassPath NbClassPath.createRepositoryPath(FileSystemCapability cap)
          Method to obtain class path for the current state of the repository.

Uses of FileSystemCapability in org.openide.filesystems

Subclasses of FileSystemCapability in org.openide.filesystems
static class FileSystemCapability.Bean
          Default implementation of capabilities, that behaves like JavaBean and allows to set whether the well known capabilities (like compile, execute) should be enabled or not.

Fields in org.openide.filesystems declared as FileSystemCapability
static FileSystemCapability FileSystemCapability.ALL
          Object that is capable of every thing.
static FileSystemCapability FileSystemCapability.COMPILE
          Well known capability of being compiled
static FileSystemCapability FileSystemCapability.EXECUTE
          Well known ability to be executed
static FileSystemCapability FileSystemCapability.DEBUG
          Well known ability to be debugged
static FileSystemCapability FileSystemCapability.DOC
          Well known ability to contain documentation files

Methods in org.openide.filesystems that return FileSystemCapability
 FileSystemCapability FileSystem.getCapability()
          The object describing capabilities of this filesystem.

Methods in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileSystemCapability
protected  void FileSystem.setCapability(FileSystemCapability capability)
          Allows subclasses to change a set of capabilities of the file system.
 boolean FileSystemCapability.capableOf(FileSystemCapability c)
          Basic operation that tests whether this object is capable to do different capability.
 boolean FileSystemCapability.Bean.capableOf(FileSystemCapability c)
          Checks for well known capabilities and if they are allowed.

Constructors in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileSystemCapability
XMLFileSystem(FileSystemCapability cap)
JarFileSystem(FileSystemCapability cap)
          Constructor that can provide own capability for the file system.
LocalFileSystem(FileSystemCapability cap)

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.