Uses of Class

Packages that use IllegalModuleException
org.openide.modules The IDE is capable of being extended by pluggable modules providing additional functionality. 

Uses of IllegalModuleException in org.openide.modules

Methods in org.openide.modules that throw IllegalModuleException
 String ModuleDescription.reasonWhyUnsatisfied(ModuleDescription[] otherModules)
          Deprecated. Check whether this description satisfies all of its dependencies, and if not say why.
static List ModuleDescription.resolveOrdering(Set modules)
          Deprecated. Resolve the proper ordering of a set of modules.
static List ModuleDescription.resolveOrderingForRealInstall(Set restored, Set installed)
          Deprecated. Actually generate a list of newly-installable modules in this IDE (but do not install them).
static boolean ModuleDescription.compatibleWith(String older, String newer)
          Deprecated. Check whether specification versions are compatible.
 String ModuleDescription.Dependency.checkForMiss(ModuleDescription[] otherModules)
          Check whether this dependency is currently satisfied by the supplied parameters.

Constructors in org.openide.modules that throw IllegalModuleException
ModuleDescription(String name, Manifest man)
          Deprecated. Better to explicitly provide a classloader.
ModuleDescription(String name, Manifest man, ClassLoader cl)
          Deprecated. Create new description from a provided manifest file and classloader.
ModuleDescription(File jar)
          Deprecated. Only for testing.
ModuleDescription(String text)
          Deprecated. Only for testing.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.