Package org.openide

Jumping-off points for all the rest of the IDE's functionality.


Interface Summary
ErrorManager.Annotation Annotation that can be attached to an error.
Places Provides access to all basic components ("places") in the IDE.
Places.Folders Deprecated. Most users of these folders will be using their paths directly in XML layers; since these paths are necessarily defined in the APIs anyway, using a method call for each location is not necessary.
Places.Nodes Provides access to important node places.
WizardDescriptor.FinishPanel A special interface for panels in middle of the iterators path that would like to have the finish button enabled.
WizardDescriptor.Iterator Iterator on the sequence of panels.
WizardDescriptor.Panel One wizard panel with a component on it.

Class Summary
DialogDescriptor A description of a standard dialog.
ErrorManager A system of managing, annotating, and classifying errors and log messages.
NotifyDescriptor This class provides a description of a user notification to be displayed.
NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation Provides a description of a possible action and requests confirmation from the user before proceeding.
NotifyDescriptor.Exception Deprecated. Better to use TopManager.notifyException(java.lang.Throwable), or for more control various methods in ErrorManager.
NotifyDescriptor.InputLine Notification providing for a line of text input.
NotifyDescriptor.Message Provides information about the results of a command.
ServiceType This class represents an abstract subclass for services (compilation, execution, debugging, etc.) that can be registered in the system.
ServiceType.Handle Handle for a service type.
ServiceType.Registry The registry of all services.
TopManager Heart of the whole IDE.
TopManager.NodeOperation Provides common operations on nodes.
WizardDescriptor Implements a basic "wizard" GUI system.
WizardDescriptor.ArrayIterator Special iterator that works on an array of Panels.

Package org.openide Description

Jumping-off points for all the rest of the IDE's functionality.

The TopManager documentation should be consulted for a start on how to access any part of the IDE; it provides all of the standard system objects, and can be used to perform a few top-level actions like exiting, showing dialogs, etc.

TopManager.getDefault().getPlaces() may be used to get a list of interesting locations (nodes and folders in the IDE).

The superclass ServiceType is the basis of the Services API.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.