Interface Mutex.ExceptionAction
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- Mutex.Action
- Enclosing class:
- Mutex
- public static interface Mutex.ExceptionAction
Action to be executed in a mutex, possibly throwing checked exceptions.
May throw a checked exception, in which case calling
code should catch the encapsulating exception and rethrow the
real one.
Unchecked exceptions will be propagated to calling code without encapsulation.
Method Summary |
Object |
Execute the action. |
public Object run()
throws Exception
- Execute the action.
Can throw an exception.
- Returns:
- any object, then returned from
or Mutex.writeAccess(Mutex.ExceptionAction)
- Throws:
- any exception the body needs to throw
Built on December 12 2001. | Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.