Uses of Class

Packages that use RequestProcessor.Task
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 

Uses of RequestProcessor.Task in org.openide.util

Methods in org.openide.util that return RequestProcessor.Task
 RequestProcessor.Task run)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable immediately.
 RequestProcessor.Task run, int timeToWait)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
 RequestProcessor.Task run, int timeToWait, int priority)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
 RequestProcessor.Task RequestProcessor.create(Runnable run)
          Creates request that can be later started by setting its delay.
static RequestProcessor.Task RequestProcessor.postRequest(Runnable run)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
static RequestProcessor.Task RequestProcessor.postRequest(Runnable run, int timeToWait)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
static RequestProcessor.Task RequestProcessor.postRequest(Runnable run, int timeToWait, int priority)
          This methods asks the request processor to start given runnable after timeToWait milliseconds.
static RequestProcessor.Task RequestProcessor.createRequest(Runnable run)
          Creates request that can be later started by setting its delay.

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.