Swing 1.1

Interface TabableView

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface TabableView

Interface for View's that have size dependant upon tabs.

See Also:
TabExpander, LabelView, ParagraphView

Method Summary
 float getPartialSpan(int p0, int p1)
          Determines the span along the same axis as tab expansion for a portion of the view.
 float getTabbedSpan(float x, TabExpander e)
          Determines the desired span when using the given tab expansion implementation.

Method Detail


public float getTabbedSpan(float x,
                           TabExpander e)
Determines the desired span when using the given tab expansion implementation. If a container calls this method, it will do so prior to the normal layout which would call getPreferredSpan. A view implementing this should give the same result in any subsequent calls to getPreferredSpan along the axis of tab expansion.
x - the position the view would be located at for the purpose of tab expansion >= 0.
e - how to expand the tabs when encountered.
the desired span >= 0


public float getPartialSpan(int p0,
                            int p1)
Determines the span along the same axis as tab expansion for a portion of the view. This is intended for use by the TabExpander for cases where the tab expansion involves aligning the portion of text that doesn't have whitespace relative to the tab stop. There is therefore an assumption that the range given does not contain tabs.
p0 - the starting location in the text document >= 0
p1 - the ending location in the text document >= p0
the span >= 0

Swing 1.1

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