Swing 1.1

Class TableView.TableRow


public class TableView.TableRow
extends BoxView

View of a row in a table.

Fields inherited from class javax.swing.text.View
BadBreakWeight, ExcellentBreakWeight, ForcedBreakWeight, GoodBreakWeight, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS
Constructor Summary
TableView.TableRow(Element elem)
          Constructs a TableView for the given element.
Method Summary
 int getResizeWeight(int axis)
          Determines the resizability of the view along the given axis.
protected  View getViewAtPosition(int pos, Rectangle a)
          Fetches the child view that represents the given position in the model.
protected  void layoutMajorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)
          Perform layout for the major axis of the box (i.e.
protected  void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans)
          Perform layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e.
protected  void loadChildren(ViewFactory f)
          Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.BoxView
baselineLayout, baselineRequirements, calculateMajorAxisRequirements, calculateMinorAxisRequirements, changedUpdate, childAllocation, flipEastAndWestAtEnds, getAlignment, getHeight, getMaximumSpan, getMinimumSpan, getOffset, getPreferredSpan, getSpan, getViewAtPoint, getWidth, insertUpdate, isAfter, isAllocationValid, isBefore, layout, modelToView, paint, paintChild, preferenceChanged, removeUpdate, replace, setSize, viewToModel
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.CompositeView
append, getBottomInset, getChildAllocation, getInsideAllocation, getLeftInset, getNextEastWestVisualPositionFrom, getNextNorthSouthVisualPositionFrom, getNextVisualPositionFrom, getRightInset, getTopInset, getView, getViewCount, getViewIndexAtPosition, insert, modelToView, removeAll, setInsets, setParagraphInsets, setParent
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.View
breakView, createFragment, getAttributes, getBreakWeight, getContainer, getDocument, getElement, getEndOffset, getParent, getStartOffset, getViewFactory, isVisible, modelToView, viewToModel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TableView.TableRow(Element elem)
Constructs a TableView for the given element.
elem - the element that this view is responsible for
Method Detail


protected void layoutMajorAxis(int targetSpan,
                               int axis,
                               int[] offsets,
                               int[] spans)
Perform layout for the major axis of the box (i.e. the axis that it represents). The results of the layout should be placed in the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the major axis.

This is re-implemented to give each child the span of the column width for the table, and to give cells that span multiple columns the multi-column span.

targetSpan - the total span given to the view, which whould be used to layout the children.
axis - the axis being layed out.
offsets - the offsets from the origin of the view for each of the child views. This is a return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method.
spans - the span of each child view. This is a return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method.
layoutMajorAxis in class BoxView


protected void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan,
                               int axis,
                               int[] offsets,
                               int[] spans)
Perform layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e. the axis orthoginal to the axis that it represents). The results of the layout should be placed in the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the minor axis. This is called by the superclass whenever the layout needs to be updated along the minor axis.

This is implemented to delegate to the superclass, then adjust the span for any cell that spans multiple rows.

targetSpan - the total span given to the view, which whould be used to layout the children.
axis - the axis being layed out.
offsets - the offsets from the origin of the view for each of the child views. This is a return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method.
spans - the span of each child view. This is a return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method.
layoutMinorAxis in class BoxView


protected void loadChildren(ViewFactory f)
Loads all of the children to initialize the view. This is called by the setParent method. This is reimplemented to build cells using the createTableCell method.
f - the view factory
loadChildren in class CompositeView


public int getResizeWeight(int axis)
Determines the resizability of the view along the given axis. A value of 0 or less is not resizable.
axis - may be either View.X_AXIS or View.Y_AXIS
the resize weight
IllegalArgumentException - for an invalid axis
getResizeWeight in class BoxView


protected View getViewAtPosition(int pos,
                                 Rectangle a)
Fetches the child view that represents the given position in the model. This is implemented to walk through the children looking for a range that contains the given position. In this view the children do not necessarily have a one to one mapping with the child elements.
pos - the search position >= 0
a - the allocation to the table on entry, and the allocation of the view containing the position on exit
getViewAtPosition in class CompositeView

Swing 1.1

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