Swing 1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDocument
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class (HTMLEditorKit) and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of AbstractDocument in javax.swing.text

Subclasses of AbstractDocument in javax.swing.text
 class DefaultStyledDocument
          A document that can be marked up with character and paragraph styles in a manner similar to the Rich Text Format.
 class PlainDocument
          A plain document that maintains no character attributes.

Constructors in javax.swing.text with parameters of type AbstractDocument
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a new AbstractElement.
AbstractDocument.BranchElement.AbstractDocument.BranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Constructs a composite element that initially contains no children.
AbstractDocument.LeafElement.AbstractDocument.LeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int offs0, int offs1)
          Constructs an element that represents content within the document (has no children).
AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent(int offs, int len, DocumentEvent.EventType type)
          Constructs a change record.

Uses of AbstractDocument in javax.swing.text.html

Subclasses of AbstractDocument in javax.swing.text.html
 class HTMLDocument
          A document that models html.

Swing 1.1

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