Game-state fidelity across distributed interactive games Crossroads, 9(4):4--9, 2003. (README!) Aspects of Networking in Multiplayer Computer Games In the Proceedings of International Conference on Application and Development of Computer Games in the 21st Century, pages 74--81, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nov. 2001 (README!)Effects of Network on Games
The effects of loss and latency on user performance in Unreal Tournament 2003 In NetGames 04: Proceedings of 3rd ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support for games, pages 144--151, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press. The effect of latency on user performance in Warcraft III In NetGames 03: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Network and system support for games, pages 3--14, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM Press.Dead Reckoning
Dead Reckoning: Latency Hiding for Networked Games (PDF) Gamasutra, September 19, 1997. (README)Bucket Synchronization
Design and Evaluation of MiMaze, a Multi-Player Game on the Internet In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 1998, Los Alamitos, CA.Time Warp
How to Keep a Dead Man from Shooting In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, pg. 199--204, the Netherlands, October 2000. (README)Interest Management
Visibility-based Interest Management in Collaborative Virtual Environments In the Proceedings of the 4th Internaction Conference on Collborative Virtual Environment (CVE), Bonn, Germany, October 2002. (README) (Assignment 3) Comparing Interest Management Algorithms for Massively Multiplayer Games (Section 1 and 2 are informative)Group Communication
Applicability of Group Communication for Increased Scalability in MMOGs (Section 1 and 2 are informative)Scalability in MMOG (NetGames 2006)
Load Balancing for Massively Multiplayer Online Games Applicability of Group Communication for Increased Scalability in MMOGs (Section 1 and 2 are informative) Towards Public Server MMOs A Distributed Architecture for MMORPG Authority Assignment in Distributed Multi-Player Proxy-based Games (README) Comparing Interest Management Algorithms for Massively Multiplayer Games (Section 1 and 2 are informative)Cheating
Low-Latency Cheat-Proof Event Ordering for Peer-to-Peer Games, Proceedings of NOSSDAV 2004 (README)(Comments on NEO protocol) Mitigating Information Exposure to Cheaters in Real-Time Strategy Games Proceedings of NOSSDAV 2005 (README)